Should I Establish an Employer Sponsored Retirement Plan?
Employer sponsored retirement plans are typically the single most valuable tool for business owners when attempting to:
Reduce their current tax liability
Attract and retain employees
Accumulate wealth for retirement
Employer sponsored retirement plans are typically the single most valuable tool for business owners when attempting to:
Reduce their current tax liability
Attract and retain employees
Accumulate wealth for retirement
But with all of the different types of plans to choose from which one is the right one for your business? Most business owners are familiar with how 401(k) plans works but that might not be the right fit given variables such as:
# of Employees
Cash flows of the business
Goals of the business owner
There are four main stream employer sponsored retirement plans that business owners have to choose from:
Single(k) Plan
Simple IRA
401(k) Plan
Since there are a lot of differences between these four types of plans we have included a comparison chart at the conclusion of this newsletter but we will touch on the highlights of each type of plan.
This is the only employer sponsored retirement plan that can be setup after 12/31 for the previous tax year. So when you are sitting with your accountant in the spring and they deliver the bad news that you are going to have a big tax liability for the previous tax year, you can establish a SEP IRA up until your tax filing deadline plus extension, fund it, and take a deduction for that year.
However, if the company has employees that meet the plan's eligibility requirement, these plans become very expensive very quickly if the owner(s) want to make contributions to their own accounts. The reason being, these plans are 100% employer funded which means there are no employee contributions allowed and the employer contribution is uniform for all plan participants. For example, if the owner contributes 15% of their income to the SEP IRA, they have to make an employer contribution equal to 15% of compensation for each employee that has met the plans eligibility requirement. If the 5305-SEP Form, which serves as the plan document, is setup correctly a company can keep new employees out of the plan for up to 3 years but often times it is either not setup correctly or the employer cannot find the document.
Single(k) Plan or "Solo(k)"
These plans are for owner only entities. As soon as you have an employee that works more than 1000 hours in a 12 month period, you cannot sponsor a Single(k) plan.
The plans are often times the most advantageous for self-employed individuals that have no employees and want to have access to higher pre-tax contribution levels. For all intents and purposes it is a 401(k) plan, same contributions limits, ERISA protected, they allow loans and Roth contributions, etc. However, they can be sponsored at a much lower cost than traditional 401(k) plans because there are no non-owner employees. So there is no year-end testing, it's typically a boiler plate plan document, and the administration costs to establish and maintain these plans are typically under $400 per year compared to traditional 401(k) plans which may cost $1,500+ per year to administer.
The beauty of these plans is the "employee contribution" of the plan which gives it an advantage over SEP IRA plans. With SEP IRA plans you are limited to contributions up to 25% of your income. So if you make $24,000 in self-employment income you are limited to a $6,000 pre-tax contribution.
With a Single(k) plan, for 2021, I can contribute $19,500 per year (another $6,500 if I'm over 50) up to 100% of my self-employment income and in addition to that amount I can make an employer contribution up to 25% of my income. In the previous example, if you make $24,000 in self-employment income, you would be able to make a salary deferral contribution of $18,000 and an employer contribution of $6,000, effectively wiping out all of your taxable income for that tax year.
Simple IRA
Simple IRA's are the JV version of 401(k) plans. Smaller companies that have 1 – 30 employees that are looking to start are retirement plan will often times start with implementing a Simple IRA plan and eventually graduate to a 401(k) plan as the company grows. The primary advantage of Simple IRA Plans over 401(k) Plans is the cost. Simple IRA's do not require a TPA firm since they are self-administered by the employer and they do not require annual 5500 filings so the cost to setup and maintain the plan is usually much less than a 401(k) plan.
What causes companies to choose a 401(k) plan over a Simple IRA plan?
Owners want access to higher pre-tax contribution limits
They want to limit to the plan to just full time employees
The company wants flexibility with regard to the employer contribution
The company wants a vesting schedule tied to the employer contributions
The company wants to expand investment menu beyond just a single fund family
401(k) Plans
These are probably the most well recognized employer sponsored plans since at one time or another each of us has worked for a company that has sponsored this type of plan. So we will not spend a lot of time going over the ins and outs of these types of plan. These plans offer a lot of flexibility with regard to the plan features and the plan design.
We will issue a special note about the 401(k) market. For small business with 1 -50 employees, you have a lot of options regarding which type of plan you should sponsor but it's our personal experience that most investment advisors only have a strong understanding of 401(k) plans so they push 401(k) plans as the answer for everyone because it's what they know and it's what they are comfortable talking about. When establishing a retirement plan for your company, make sure you consult with an advisor that has a working knowledge of all these different types of retirement plans and can clearly articulate the pros and cons of each type of plan. This will assist you in establishing the right type of plan for your company.

Michael Ruger
About Michael.........
Hi, I'm Michael Ruger. I'm the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
When parents gift money to their kids, instead of having the money sit in a savings account, often parents will set up UTMA accounts at an investment firm to generate investment returns in the account that can be used by the child at a future date. Depending on the amount of the investment income, the child may be required to file a tax return.
When a business owner sells their business and is looking for a large tax deduction and has charitable intent, a common solution is setting up a private foundation to capture a large tax deduction. In this video, we will cover how foundations work, what is the minimum funding amount, the tax benefits, how the foundation is funded, and more…….
There is a little-known, very lucrative New York State Tax Credit that came into existence within the past few years for individuals who wish to make charitable donations to their SUNY college of choice through the SUNY Impact Foundation. The tax credit is so large that individuals who make a $10,000 donation to the SUNY Impact Foundation can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit of $8,500 whether they take the standard deduction or itemize on their tax return. This results in a windfall of cash to pre-selected athletic programs and academic programs by the donor at their SUNY college of choice, with very little true out-of-pocket cost to the donors themselves once the tax credit is factored in.
It seems as though the likely outcome of the 2024 presidential elections will be a Trump win, and potentially full control of the Senate and House by the Republicans to complete the “full sweep”. As I write this article at 6am the day after election day, it looks like Trump will be president, the Senate will be controlled by the Republicans, and the House is too close to call. If the Republicans complete the full sweep, there is a higher probability that the tax law changes that Trump proposed on his campaign trail will be passed by Congress and signed into law as early as 2025.
Due to changes in the tax laws, fewer individuals are now able to capture a tax deduction for their charitable contributions. In an effort to recapture the tax deduction, more individuals are setting up Donor Advised Funds at Fidelity and Vanguard to take full advantage of the tax deduction associated with giving to a charity, church, college, or other not-for-profit organizations.
Self-employed individuals have a lot of options when it comes to deducting expenses for their vehicle to offset income from the business. In this video we are going to review:
1) What vehicle expenses can be deducted: Mileage, insurance, payments, registration, etc.
2) Business Use Percentage
3) Buying vs Leasing a Car Deduction Options
4) Mileage Deduction Calculation
5) How Depreciation and Bonus Depreciation Works
6) Depreciation recapture tax trap
7) Can you buy a Ferreri through the business and deduct it? (luxury cars)
8) Tax impact if you get into an accident and total the vehicle
Picking the right stocks to invest in is not an easy process but all too often I see retail investors make the mistake of narrowing their investment research to just stocks that pay dividends. This is a common mistake that investors make and, in this article, we are going to cover the total return approach versus the dividend payor approach to investing.
There is a sea change happening in the investment industry where the inflows into ETF’s are rapidly outpacing the inflows into mutual funds. When comparing ETFs to mutual funds, ETFs sometimes offer more tax efficiency, trade flexibility, a wider array of investment strategies, and in certain cases lower trading costs and expense ratios which has led to their rise in popularity among investors. But there are also some risks associated with ETFs that not all investors are aware of……..
While pre-tax contributions are typically the 401(k) contribution of choice for most high-income earners, there are a few situations where individuals with big incomes should make their deferrals contribution all in Roth dollars and forgo the immediate tax deduction.
There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the required minimum distribution (RMD) rules for non-spouse, beneficiaries that inherited IRAs and 401(k) accounts subject to the new 10 Year Rule. This has left many non-spouse beneficiaries questioning whether or not they are required to take an RMD from their inherited retirement account prior to December 31, 2023. Here is the timeline of events leading up to that answer
If you are a W2 employee who makes over $160,200 per year and you have multiple employers or you switched jobs during the year, or you have both a W2 job and a self-employment gig, your employer(s) may be withholding too much FICA tax from your wages and you may be due a refund of those FICA tax overpayments. Requesting a FICA tax refund requires action on your part and an understanding of how the FICA tax is calculated.
Are you considering filing for a tax extension? It can be a great way to give yourself more time to organize your financial documents and ensure that the information on your return is accurate. But before you file the extension, here are a few things you should know.
The PTET (pass-through entity tax) is a deduction that allows business owners to get around the $10,000 SALT cap that was put in place back in 2017. The PTET allows the business entity to pay the state tax liability on behalf of the business owner and then take a deduction for that expense.
When an employee unexpectedly loses their job and needs access to cash to continue to pay their bills, it’s not uncommon for them to elect a cash distribution from their 401(K) account. Still, they may regret that decision when the tax bill shows up the following year and then they owe thousands of dollars to the IRS in taxes and penalties that they don’t have.
Claiming the $7,500 tax credit for buying an EV (electric vehicle) or hybrid vehicle may not be as easy as you think. First, it’s a “use it or lose it credit” meaning if you do not have a federal tax liability of at least $7,500 in the year that you buy your electric vehicle, you cannot claim the full $7,500 credit and it does not carryforward to future tax years.
There are income limits that can prevent you from taking a tax deduction for contributions to a Traditional IRA if you or your spouse are covered by a 401(k) but even if you can’t deduct the contribution to the IRA, there are tax strategies that you should consider
Before you gift assets to your children make sure you fully understand the Kiddie Tax rule and other pitfalls associated with making gift to your children……….
When you sell a stock, mutual fund, investment property, or a business, if you have made money on that investment, the IRS is kindly waiting for a piece of that gain in the form of capital gains tax. Capital gains are taxed differently than the ordinary income that you received via your paycheck or pass-through income from your business. Unlike ordinary
The order in which you take distributions from your retirement accounts absolutely matters in retirement. If you don’t have a formal withdraw strategy it could end up costing you in more ways than one. Click to read more on how this can effect you.
The IRS extended the tax filing deadline for 2020 from April 15th to May 15th. Click to read more on the questions that we are getting from business owners, retirees, and individuals taxpayers.
If you took a COVID distribution from a retirement account, IRA, 401(K), in 2020, you will have to report it on your taxes. Here are the special tax forms that you will need to report your COVID distribution. DISCLOSURE: This is for…
When your children begin working and they receive their first W2, the question from parents is often “Do they have to file a tax return?” In this video we will cover
I am getting the question much more frequently from clients - "When I retire, does it make sense from a tax standpoint to change my residency from New York to Florida?". When I explain how the taxes work
A very common question that we frequently receive from clients is “If I want to make a cash gift to my kids, do I have to pay gift taxes?” The answer to that question depends on number of items such as: The amount of the gift
When you sell your primary residence, and meet certain requirements, you may be able to exclude all or a portion of your capital gain in the property from taxes. In this article, I am going to cover the $250,000
Congress passed the CARES Act in March 2020 which provides individuals with IRA, 401(k), and other employer sponsored retirement accounts, the option to waive their required minimum distribution (RMD) for the 2020 tax year.
New parents have even more to be excited about in 2020. On December 19, 2019, Congress passed the SECURE Act, which now allows parents to withdraw up to $5,000 out of their IRA’s or 401(k) plans following the birth of their child
A required minimum distribution (RMD) is the amount that the IRS requires you to take out of your retirement account each year when you hit a certain age or when you inherit a retirement account from someone else. It’s important to plan tax-wise for these distributions because they can substantially increase your tax liability in a given year;
How is my Social Security Benefit Calculated?
The top two questions that we receive from individuals approaching retirement are:
What amount will I received from social security?
When should I turn on my social security benefits?
The top two questions that we receive from individuals approaching retirement are:
What amount will I received from social security?
When should I turn on my social security benefits?
Are you eligible to receive benefits?
As you work and pay taxes, you earn Social Security “credits.” In 2015, you earn one credit for each $1,220 in earnings—up to a maximum of four credits a year. The amount of money needed to earn one credit usually goes up every year. Most people need 40 credits (10 years of work) to qualify for benefits.
When will I begin receiving my social security benefit?
You are entitled to your full social security benefit at your “Normal Retirement Age” (NRA). Your NRA varies based on your date of birth. Below is the chart that social security uses to determine your “normal retirement age” or “full retirement age”:
For example, if you were born in 1965, your NRA would be 67. At 67, you would be eligible for your full retirement benefit.
Delayed Retirement or Early Retirement
You can claim benefits as early as age 62, but your monthly check will be cut by 25% for the rest of your life. The way the math works out, for each year you take your social security benefit prior to your normal retirement age, you benefit is permanently reduce by 6% for each year you take it prior to your NRA.
On the opposite end of that scenario, if you delay claiming past your NRA, you will get a delayed credit of approximately 8% per year plus cost of living adjustments.
There are a number of variables that factor into this decision as to when to turn on your benefit. Some of the main factors are:
Your health
Do you plan to keep working?
What is your current tax bracket?
The amount of retirement savings that you have
Income difference between spouses
What amount will I receive from social security?
Social security uses a fairly complex formula for calculating social security retirement benefits but the short version is the formula uses your highest 35 years of income. If you have less than 35 years are income, zeros are entered into the average for the number of years you are short of 35 years of income. They also apply an inflation adjustment to your annual earnings in the calculation.
You can obtain your Social Security statement by creating an account at www.ssa.gov. Your statement contains lots of valuable information, such as:
Your estimated benefit amount at full retirement age
Eligibility for benefits
A detailed history of how much you've earned each year
Keep in mind that the figures in your statement are just estimates, and your eventual benefit amount could be quite different, especially if you're relatively young now.

Michael Ruger
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
President Trump just announced tariffs against Canada, Mexico, and China that will go into effect this week, which has sent the stock market sharply lower. I have received multiple emails from clients over the past 24 hours, all asking the same question:
“With the Trump tariffs that were just announced, should we be going to cash?”
Prior to 2025, it was very easy to explain to an employee what the maximum Simple IRA contribution was for that tax year. Starting in 2025, it will be anything but “Simple”. Thanks to the graduation implementation of the Secure Act 2.0, there are 4 different limits for Simple IRA employee deferrals that both employees and companies will need to be aware of.
When the Secure Act passed in 2019, a new option was opened up for excess balances left over in 529 accounts called a “Qualified Loan Repayment” option. This new 529 distribution option allows the owner of a 529 to distribute money from a 529 account to repay student loans for the beneficiary of the 529 account AND the beneficiary’s siblings. However, this distribution option is not available to everyone, and there are rules and limits associated with these new types of distributions.
When parents gift money to their kids, instead of having the money sit in a savings account, often parents will set up UTMA accounts at an investment firm to generate investment returns in the account that can be used by the child at a future date. Depending on the amount of the investment income, the child may be required to file a tax return.
Do you have enough to retire? Believe it or not, as financial planners, we can often answer that question in LESS THAN 60 SECONDS just by asking a handful of questions. In this video, I’m going to walk you through the 60-second calculation.
Good news for 401(k) and 403(b) plan participants turning age 60 – 63 starting in 2025: there is now an enhanced employee catch-up contribution thanks to Secure Act 2.0 that passed back in 2022. For 2025, the employee contributions limits are as follows: Employee Deferral Limit $23,500, Age 50+ Catch-up Limit $7,500, and the New Age 60 – 63 Catch-up: $3,750.
There are many reasons why individuals decide to surrender their annuities. Unfortunately, one of the most common reasons that we see is when individuals realize that they were sold the annuity by a broker and that annuity investment was either not in their best interest or they discover that there are other investment solutions that will better meet the investment objectives. This situation can often lead to individuals making the tough decision to cut their losses and surrender the annuity. But before surrendering their annuity, it’s important for investors to understand the questions to ask the annuity company about the surrender fees and potential tax liability before making e the final decision to end their annuity contract.
When a business owner sells their business and is looking for a large tax deduction and has charitable intent, a common solution is setting up a private foundation to capture a large tax deduction. In this video, we will cover how foundations work, what is the minimum funding amount, the tax benefits, how the foundation is funded, and more…….
As an investment firm, November and December is considered “tax-loss harvesting season” where we work with our clients to identify investment losses that can be used to offset capital gains that have been realized throughout the year in an effort to reduce their tax liability for the year. But there are a lot of IRS rule surrounding what “type” of realized losses can be used to offset realized gains and retail investors are often unaware of these rules which can lead to errors in their lost harvesting strategies.
There is a little-known, very lucrative New York State Tax Credit that came into existence within the past few years for individuals who wish to make charitable donations to their SUNY college of choice through the SUNY Impact Foundation. The tax credit is so large that individuals who make a $10,000 donation to the SUNY Impact Foundation can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit of $8,500 whether they take the standard deduction or itemize on their tax return. This results in a windfall of cash to pre-selected athletic programs and academic programs by the donor at their SUNY college of choice, with very little true out-of-pocket cost to the donors themselves once the tax credit is factored in.
It seems as though the likely outcome of the 2024 presidential elections will be a Trump win, and potentially full control of the Senate and House by the Republicans to complete the “full sweep”. As I write this article at 6am the day after election day, it looks like Trump will be president, the Senate will be controlled by the Republicans, and the House is too close to call. If the Republicans complete the full sweep, there is a higher probability that the tax law changes that Trump proposed on his campaign trail will be passed by Congress and signed into law as early as 2025.
Qualified Charitable Distributions are an advanced tax strategy used by individuals who are age 70½ or older who typically make annual contributions to their church, charity, or other not-for-profit organizations. QCDs allow individuals who have pre-tax IRAs to send money directly from their IRA to their charity of choice, and they avoid having to pay tax on those distributions. However, a client recently asked an excellent question:
“Can you process a qualified charitable distribution from an Inherited IRA? If yes, does that QCD also count toward the annual RMD requirement?”
Squarespace Excerpt: As individuals approach retirement, they often begin reviewing their annual expenses, looking for ways to trim unnecessary expenses so their retirement savings last as long as possible now that their paychecks are about to stop for their working years. A common question that comes up during these client meetings is “Should I get rid of my life insurance policy now that I will be retiring?”
When clients are looking to purchase a new car one of the most common questions that we receive is “Should I Buy or Lease?” To get the answer, we interviewed a Certified Financial Planner and the owner of Rensselaer Honda to educate our audience on the pros and cons of buying vs leasing.
When we are working with clients on their estate plan, one of the primary objectives is to assist them with titling their assets so they avoid the probate process after they pass away. For anyone that has had to serve as the executor of an estate, you have probably had firsthand experience of how much of a headache the probate processes which is why it's typically a goal of an estate plan to avoid the probate process altogether.
Due to changes in the tax laws, fewer individuals are now able to capture a tax deduction for their charitable contributions. In an effort to recapture the tax deduction, more individuals are setting up Donor Advised Funds at Fidelity and Vanguard to take full advantage of the tax deduction associated with giving to a charity, church, college, or other not-for-profit organizations.
Self-employed individuals have a lot of options when it comes to deducting expenses for their vehicle to offset income from the business. In this video we are going to review:
1) What vehicle expenses can be deducted: Mileage, insurance, payments, registration, etc.
2) Business Use Percentage
3) Buying vs Leasing a Car Deduction Options
4) Mileage Deduction Calculation
5) How Depreciation and Bonus Depreciation Works
6) Depreciation recapture tax trap
7) Can you buy a Ferreri through the business and deduct it? (luxury cars)
8) Tax impact if you get into an accident and total the vehicle
The Social Security Administration recently announced that the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2025 will only be 2.5% for 2025. That is a much lower COLA increase than we have seen in the past few years, with a COLA increase of 3.2% in 2024 and an increase of 8.7% in 2023. According to the Social Security Administration, the 2.5% increase in 2025 will result, on average, in a $50 per month increase to social security recipients.
When you separate service from an employer, you have to make decisions with regard to your 401K plan. It’s important to understand the pros and cons of each option while also understanding that the optimal solution often varies from person to person based on their financial situation and objectives. The four primary options are:
1) Leave it in the existing 401(k) plan
2) Rollover to an IRA
3) Rollover to your new employer’s 401(k) plan
4) Cash Distribution
Picking the right stocks to invest in is not an easy process but all too often I see retail investors make the mistake of narrowing their investment research to just stocks that pay dividends. This is a common mistake that investors make and, in this article, we are going to cover the total return approach versus the dividend payor approach to investing.
There is a sea change happening in the investment industry where the inflows into ETF’s are rapidly outpacing the inflows into mutual funds. When comparing ETFs to mutual funds, ETFs sometimes offer more tax efficiency, trade flexibility, a wider array of investment strategies, and in certain cases lower trading costs and expense ratios which has led to their rise in popularity among investors. But there are also some risks associated with ETFs that not all investors are aware of……..
While pre-tax contributions are typically the 401(k) contribution of choice for most high-income earners, there are a few situations where individuals with big incomes should make their deferrals contribution all in Roth dollars and forgo the immediate tax deduction.
The Fed cut the Federal Funds Rate by 0.50% on September 18, 2024 which is not only the first rate cut since the Fed started raising rates in March 2022 but it was also a larger rate cut than the census expected. The consensus going into the Fed meeting was the Fed would cut rates by 0.25% and they doubled it. This is what the bigger Fed rate cut historically means for the economy
The most common questions that I receive when clients are about to purchase their next car is “should I buy it or lease it?” The answer depends on a number of factors including how long do you typically keep cars for, how many miles do you drive each year, the amount of the down payment, maintenance considerations, or do you have any teenagers in the family that will be driving soon?
A question I’m sure to address during employee retirement presentations is, “How Much Should I be Contributing?”. In this article, I will address some of the variables at play when coming up with your number and provide detail as to why two answers you will find searching the internet are so common.
There are special non spouse beneficiary rules that apply to minor children when they inherit retirement accounts. The individual that is assigned is the custodian of the child, we'll need to assist them in navigating the distribution strategy and tax strategy surrounding they're inherited IRA or 401(k) account. Not being aware of the rules can lead to IRS tax penalties for failure to take requirement minimum distributions from the account each year.
When you are the successor beneficiary of an Inherited IRA the rules are very complex.
A common mistake that beneficiaries of retirement accounts make when they inherit either a Traditional IRA or 401(k) account is not knowing that if the decedent was required to take an RMD (required minimum distribution) for the year but did not distribute the full amount before they passed, the beneficiaries are then required to withdrawal that amount from the retirement account prior to December 31st of the year they passed away. Not taking the RMDs prior to December 31st could trigger IRS penalties unless an exception applies.
In July 2024, the IRS released its long-awaited final regulations clarifying the annual RMD (required minimum distribution) rules for non-spouse beneficiaries of retirement accounts that are subject to the new 10-year rule. But like most IRS regulations, it’s anything but simple and straightforward.
The Fed made a significant policy error last week by deciding not to cut the Fed Funds rate and the stock market is now responding to that error via the selloff we have seen over the past week. Unfortunately, this policy error is nothing new. Throughout history, the Fed typically waits too long to begin reducing interest rates after inflation has already abated and they seem to be on that path again.
Do I Have to Pay Taxes on my Social Security Benefit?
If your “combined income” exceeds specific annual limits, you may owe federal income taxes on up to 50% or 85% of your Social Security benefits. The limits for federal income tax purposes are listed in the chart below.
If your “combined income” exceeds specific annual limits, you may owe federal income taxes on up to 50% or 85% of your Social Security benefits. The limits for federal income tax purposes are listed in the chart below.
The federal income thresholds are not indexed for inflation, so they are the same every year. “Combined income” is defined as adjusted gross income plus any tax-exempt interest plus 50% of your Social Security Benefit. Some states tax Social Security Benefits, whereas others do not tax them. See the chart below:

Michael Ruger
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
A common financial mistake that I see people make when attempting to protect their house from a long-term care event is gifting their house to their children. While you may be successful at protecting the house from a Medicaid spend-down situation, you will also inadvertently be handing your children a huge tax liability after you pass away. A tax liability, that with proper planning, could be avoided entirely.
On December 23, 2022, Congress passed the Secure Act 2.0, which moved the required minimum distribution (RMD) age from the current age of 72 out to age 73 starting in 2023. They also went one step further and included in the new law bill an automatic increase in the RMD beginning in 2033, extending the RMD start age to 75.
Not many people realize that if you are age 62 or older and have children under the age of 18, your children are eligible to receive social security payments based on your earnings history, and it’s big money. However, social security does not advertise this little know benefit, so you have to know how to apply, the rules, and tax implications.
It’s becoming more common for retirees to take on small self-employment gigs in retirement to generate some additional income and to stay mentally active and engaged. But, it should not be overlooked that this is a tremendous wealth-building opportunity if you know the right strategies. There are many, but in this article, we will focus on the “Solo(k) strategy
A 529 account owned by a grandparent is often considered one of the most effective ways to save for college for a grandchild. But in 2023, the rules are changing………
If you are age 65 or older and self-employed, I have great news, you may be able to take a tax deduction for your Medicare Part A, B, C, and D premiums as well as the premiums that you pay for your Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplemental coverage.
When you retire and turn on your pension, you typically have to make a decision as to how you would like to receive your benefits which includes making a decision about the survivor benefits. Do you select….
More and more retires are making the decision to keep their primary residence in retirement but also own a second residence, whether that be a lake house, ski lodge, or a condo down south. Maintaining two houses in retirement requires a lot of additional planning because you need to be able to answer the following questions:
Many individuals that have long-term care insurance policies are beginning to receive letters in the mail notifying them that that their insurance premiums are going up by 50%, 70%, or more in some cases. This is after many of the same policyholders have experienced similar size premium increases just a few years ago. In this article I’m going to explain……
The order in which you take distributions from your retirement accounts absolutely matters in retirement. If you don’t have a formal withdraw strategy it could end up costing you in more ways than one. Click to read more on how this can effect you.
Medicare has important deadlines that you need to be aware of during your initial enrollment period. Missing those deadlines could mean gaps in coverage, penalties, and limited options when it comes to selecting a Medicare
Social Security payments can sometimes be a significant portion of a couple’s retirement income. If your spouse passes away unexpectedly, it can have a dramatic impact on your financial wellbeing in retirement. This is especially
As you approach age 65, there are a lot of very important decisions that you will have to make regarding your Medicare coverage. Since Medicare Parts A & B by itself have deductibles, coinsurance, and no maximum out of pocket
The SECURE Act was passed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it came some big changes to the required minimum distribution (“RMD”) requirements from IRA’s and retirement plans. Prior to December 31, 2019, individuals
As you approach age 65, there are very important decisions that you will have to make regarding your Medicare coverage. Whether you decide to retire prior to age 65, continue to work past age 65, or have retiree health benefits,
Once there is no longer a paycheck, retirees will typically meet expenses with a combination of social security, withdrawals from retirement accounts, annuities, and pensions. Social security, pensions, and annuities are usually fixed amounts, while withdrawals from retirement accounts could fluctuate based on need. This flexibility presents
If you live in an unfriendly tax state such as New York or California, it’s not uncommon for your retirement plans to include a move to a more tax friendly state once your working years are over. Many southern states offer nicer weather, no income taxes, and lower property taxes. According to data from the US Census Bureau, more residents
Inherited IRA’s can be tricky. There are a lot of rules surrounding;
Establishment and required minimum distribution (“RMD”) deadlines
Options available to spouse and non-spouse beneficiaries
Strategies for deferring required minimum distributions
Special 60 day rollover rules for inherited IRA’s
Given the downward spiral that GE has been in over the past year, we have received the same question over and over again from a number of GE employees and retirees: “If GE goes bankrupt, what happens to my pension?” While it's anyone’s guess what the future holds for GE, this is an important question that any employee with a pension should
Whether you are about to retire or if you were just notified that your company is terminating their pension plan, making the right decision with regard to your pension plan payout is extremely important. It's important to get this decision right because you only get one shot at it. There are a lot of variables that factor into choosing the right option.
The number is higher than you think. When you total up the deductibles and premiums for Medicare part A, B, and D, that alone can cost a married couple $7,000 per year. We look at that figure as the baseline number. That $7,000 does not account for the additional costs associated with co-insurance, co-pays, dental costs, or Medigap insurance
When you turn 70 1/2, you will have the option to process Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) which are distirbution from your pre-tax IRA directly to a chiartable organizaiton. Even though the SECURE Act in 2019 changed the RMD start age from 70 1/2 to age 72, your are still eligible to make these QCDs beginning the calendar year that you
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 which completely changed the distribution options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries. One of the major changes was the elimination of the “stretch provision” which previously allowed non-spouse beneficiaries to rollover the balance into their own inherited IRA and then take small
Making the right decision of when to turn on your social security benefit is critical. The wrong decision could cost you tens of thousands of dollars over the long run. Given all the variables surrounding this decision, what might be the right decision for one person may be the wrong decision for another. This article will cover some of the key factors to
If you are turning age 72 this year, this article is for you. You will most likely have to start taking required minimum distributions from your retirement accounts. This article will outline:
There is a little known loophole in the social security system for parents that are age 62 or older with children still in high school or younger. Since couples are having children later in life this situation is becoming more common and it could equal big dollars for families that are aware of this social security filing strategy.
There are three key estate documents that everyone should have: Will, Health Proxy, Power of Attorney, If you have dependents, such as a spouse or children, the statement above graduates from “should have” to “need to
This question comes up a lot when a parent makes a cash gift to a child or when a grandparent gifts to a grandchild. When you make a cash gift to someone else, who pays the tax on that gift? The short answer is “typically no one does”. Each individual has a federal “lifetime gift tax exclusion” of $5,400,000 which means that I would have to give
Many of our clients own individual stocks that they either bought a long time ago or inherited from a family member. If they do not need to liquidate the stock in retirement to supplement their income, the question comes up “should I just gift the stock to my kids while I’m still alive or should I just let them inherit it after I pass away?” The right answer is
Can I Receive Social Security Benefits While I'm Still Working?
The short answer is "Yes". But you may not want to depending on when you plan to turn on your social security benefits and how much you plan to earn each year from working.
The short answer is "Yes". But you may not want to depending on when you plan to turn on your social security benefits and how much you plan to earn each year from working.
Electing social security benefits AFTER your Normal Retirement Age
For social security, your Normal Retirement Age (NRA), is the age you are eligible to receive full retirement benefits. Your NRA is based on your date of birth and the table is listed below:
Once you reach your NRA, you are allowed to begin receiving social security benefits without having to worry about the social security "earnings test". Meaning that you can earn as much as you want working and they will not reduce your social security benefit. You are free and clear.
Electing social security benefits BEFORE your Normal Retirement Age
If you turn on your social security benefits prior to reaching your Normal Retirement Age, you will be subject to the "earnings test" each year. For social security recipients who will not reach full retirement age in the 2016 calendar year, the first $15,720 in earnings is exempt. Beyond that amount, every $2 in earnings will reduce your social security benefits by $1. It's a fairly steep penalty. The general rule is if you plan to earn over the $15,720 threshold and you will not hit your normal retirement age for social security in 2016, do not elect to begin taking social security early because you will lose most of it from the "earned income penalty".
Electing social security benefits in the year your reach "Normal Retirement Age"
For social security recipients who will attain full retirement age during 2016, the first $41,880 is exempt, and the reduction is just $1 for every $3 in earnings beyond that point. Plus, only the months before your birthday count toward the total.
We advise our clients in this situation to keep their pay stub from the payroll period prior to reaching Normal Retirement Age because the IRS may contact them the following year to prove the amount of income that they earned prior to receiving their first social security payment.

Michael Ruger
About Michael.........
Hi, I'm Michael Ruger. I'm the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
A common financial mistake that I see people make when attempting to protect their house from a long-term care event is gifting their house to their children. While you may be successful at protecting the house from a Medicaid spend-down situation, you will also inadvertently be handing your children a huge tax liability after you pass away. A tax liability, that with proper planning, could be avoided entirely.
On December 23, 2022, Congress passed the Secure Act 2.0, which moved the required minimum distribution (RMD) age from the current age of 72 out to age 73 starting in 2023. They also went one step further and included in the new law bill an automatic increase in the RMD beginning in 2033, extending the RMD start age to 75.
Not many people realize that if you are age 62 or older and have children under the age of 18, your children are eligible to receive social security payments based on your earnings history, and it’s big money. However, social security does not advertise this little know benefit, so you have to know how to apply, the rules, and tax implications.
It’s becoming more common for retirees to take on small self-employment gigs in retirement to generate some additional income and to stay mentally active and engaged. But, it should not be overlooked that this is a tremendous wealth-building opportunity if you know the right strategies. There are many, but in this article, we will focus on the “Solo(k) strategy
A 529 account owned by a grandparent is often considered one of the most effective ways to save for college for a grandchild. But in 2023, the rules are changing………
If you are age 65 or older and self-employed, I have great news, you may be able to take a tax deduction for your Medicare Part A, B, C, and D premiums as well as the premiums that you pay for your Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplemental coverage.
When you retire and turn on your pension, you typically have to make a decision as to how you would like to receive your benefits which includes making a decision about the survivor benefits. Do you select….
More and more retires are making the decision to keep their primary residence in retirement but also own a second residence, whether that be a lake house, ski lodge, or a condo down south. Maintaining two houses in retirement requires a lot of additional planning because you need to be able to answer the following questions:
Many individuals that have long-term care insurance policies are beginning to receive letters in the mail notifying them that that their insurance premiums are going up by 50%, 70%, or more in some cases. This is after many of the same policyholders have experienced similar size premium increases just a few years ago. In this article I’m going to explain……
The order in which you take distributions from your retirement accounts absolutely matters in retirement. If you don’t have a formal withdraw strategy it could end up costing you in more ways than one. Click to read more on how this can effect you.
Medicare has important deadlines that you need to be aware of during your initial enrollment period. Missing those deadlines could mean gaps in coverage, penalties, and limited options when it comes to selecting a Medicare
Social Security payments can sometimes be a significant portion of a couple’s retirement income. If your spouse passes away unexpectedly, it can have a dramatic impact on your financial wellbeing in retirement. This is especially
As you approach age 65, there are a lot of very important decisions that you will have to make regarding your Medicare coverage. Since Medicare Parts A & B by itself have deductibles, coinsurance, and no maximum out of pocket
The SECURE Act was passed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it came some big changes to the required minimum distribution (“RMD”) requirements from IRA’s and retirement plans. Prior to December 31, 2019, individuals
As you approach age 65, there are very important decisions that you will have to make regarding your Medicare coverage. Whether you decide to retire prior to age 65, continue to work past age 65, or have retiree health benefits,
Once there is no longer a paycheck, retirees will typically meet expenses with a combination of social security, withdrawals from retirement accounts, annuities, and pensions. Social security, pensions, and annuities are usually fixed amounts, while withdrawals from retirement accounts could fluctuate based on need. This flexibility presents
If you live in an unfriendly tax state such as New York or California, it’s not uncommon for your retirement plans to include a move to a more tax friendly state once your working years are over. Many southern states offer nicer weather, no income taxes, and lower property taxes. According to data from the US Census Bureau, more residents
Inherited IRA’s can be tricky. There are a lot of rules surrounding;
Establishment and required minimum distribution (“RMD”) deadlines
Options available to spouse and non-spouse beneficiaries
Strategies for deferring required minimum distributions
Special 60 day rollover rules for inherited IRA’s
Given the downward spiral that GE has been in over the past year, we have received the same question over and over again from a number of GE employees and retirees: “If GE goes bankrupt, what happens to my pension?” While it's anyone’s guess what the future holds for GE, this is an important question that any employee with a pension should
Whether you are about to retire or if you were just notified that your company is terminating their pension plan, making the right decision with regard to your pension plan payout is extremely important. It's important to get this decision right because you only get one shot at it. There are a lot of variables that factor into choosing the right option.
The number is higher than you think. When you total up the deductibles and premiums for Medicare part A, B, and D, that alone can cost a married couple $7,000 per year. We look at that figure as the baseline number. That $7,000 does not account for the additional costs associated with co-insurance, co-pays, dental costs, or Medigap insurance
When you turn 70 1/2, you will have the option to process Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) which are distirbution from your pre-tax IRA directly to a chiartable organizaiton. Even though the SECURE Act in 2019 changed the RMD start age from 70 1/2 to age 72, your are still eligible to make these QCDs beginning the calendar year that you
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 which completely changed the distribution options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries. One of the major changes was the elimination of the “stretch provision” which previously allowed non-spouse beneficiaries to rollover the balance into their own inherited IRA and then take small
Making the right decision of when to turn on your social security benefit is critical. The wrong decision could cost you tens of thousands of dollars over the long run. Given all the variables surrounding this decision, what might be the right decision for one person may be the wrong decision for another. This article will cover some of the key factors to
If you are turning age 72 this year, this article is for you. You will most likely have to start taking required minimum distributions from your retirement accounts. This article will outline:
There is a little known loophole in the social security system for parents that are age 62 or older with children still in high school or younger. Since couples are having children later in life this situation is becoming more common and it could equal big dollars for families that are aware of this social security filing strategy.
There are three key estate documents that everyone should have: Will, Health Proxy, Power of Attorney, If you have dependents, such as a spouse or children, the statement above graduates from “should have” to “need to
This question comes up a lot when a parent makes a cash gift to a child or when a grandparent gifts to a grandchild. When you make a cash gift to someone else, who pays the tax on that gift? The short answer is “typically no one does”. Each individual has a federal “lifetime gift tax exclusion” of $5,400,000 which means that I would have to give
Many of our clients own individual stocks that they either bought a long time ago or inherited from a family member. If they do not need to liquidate the stock in retirement to supplement their income, the question comes up “should I just gift the stock to my kids while I’m still alive or should I just let them inherit it after I pass away?” The right answer is
Inherited IRA's: How Do They Work?
An Inherited IRA is a retirement account that is left to a beneficiary after the owner’s death. It is important to have a general knowledge of how Inherited IRA’s work because a minor error in how the account is set up could lead to major tax consequences.
An Inherited IRA is a retirement account that is left to a beneficiary after the owner’s death. It is important to have a general knowledge of how Inherited IRA’s work because a minor error in how the account is set up could lead to major tax consequences.
Before going into the different kinds of Inherited IRA’s, if you are the sole beneficiary of your spouse’s IRA, you are able to transfer the assets to your own existing IRA or to a new IRA through what is called a “Spousal Transfer”. This account is not treated as an Inherited IRA and therefore is subject to all the rules a Traditional IRA would be subject to as if it was always held in your name. If the spouse needs to have access to the money before age 59 ½, it would probably make sense to set up an Inherited IRA because this would give the spouse options to access the money without incurring a 10% early withdrawal penalty.
Withdrawal Rules for Spouse & Non-Spouse Beneficiaries
The SECURE Act that passed in December 2019 dramatically changed the distribution options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries. If you are spousal beneficiary please reference the following article:
If your spouse passes away and they had either an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or some other type of employer sponsored retirement account, you will have to determine which distribution option is the right one for you. There are deadlines that you will need to be aware of, different tax implications based on the option that you choose, forms that need to be
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it comes some very important changes to the options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries of IRA’s, 401(k), 403(b), and other types of retirement accounts
10 Year Method
All the assets must be distributed by the 10th year after the year in which the account holder died. This option may make sense compared to the Lump Sum option explained next to spread out the tax liability over a longer period.
Lump Sum Distribution
You may take a lump sum distribution when the account is inherited. It is recommended that you consult your tax preparer to discuss the tax consequences of this method since you may move up into a different tax bracket.
Additional Takeaways
If the decedent was required to take a distribution in the year of death, it is important to determine whether or not the decedent took the distribution. If the decedent was required to take a RMD but did not do so in the year they passed, the inheritor must take the distribution based on the life expectancy of the decedent or the distribution will be subject to a 50% penalty. Distributions going forward will be based on the life expectancy of the inheritor.
It is important to be sure a beneficiary form is completed for the Inherited IRA. If there is no beneficiary and the account goes to an estate then the inheritor will have limited choices on which distribution method to choose among other tax consequences.
You are only able to combine Inherited IRA’s if they were inherited from the same individual. If you have multiple Inherited IRA’s from different individuals, you cannot commingle the assets because of the distributions that must be taken.
There is no 60 day rule with Inherited IRA’s like there is with other Traditional IRA’s. The 60 day rule allows someone to withdraw money from an IRA and as long as it’s replenished within 60 days there is no tax consequence. This is not available with Inherited IRA’s, all non-Roth distributions are taxable.
The charts below are from insurancenewsnet.com publication titled “Extended IRA Quick Reference Guide” give another look at the details of Inherited IRA’s.
About Rob……...
Hi, I’m Rob Mangold. I’m the Chief Operating Officer at Greenbush Financial Group and a contributor to the Money Smart Board blog. We created the blog to provide strategies that will help our readers personally , professionally, and financially. Our blog is meant to be a resource. If there are questions that you need answered, pleas feel free to join in on the discussion or contact me directly.
As an investment firm, November and December is considered “tax-loss harvesting season” where we work with our clients to identify investment losses that can be used to offset capital gains that have been realized throughout the year in an effort to reduce their tax liability for the year. But there are a lot of IRS rule surrounding what “type” of realized losses can be used to offset realized gains and retail investors are often unaware of these rules which can lead to errors in their lost harvesting strategies.
Qualified Charitable Distributions are an advanced tax strategy used by individuals who are age 70½ or older who typically make annual contributions to their church, charity, or other not-for-profit organizations. QCDs allow individuals who have pre-tax IRAs to send money directly from their IRA to their charity of choice, and they avoid having to pay tax on those distributions. However, a client recently asked an excellent question:
“Can you process a qualified charitable distribution from an Inherited IRA? If yes, does that QCD also count toward the annual RMD requirement?”
There are special non spouse beneficiary rules that apply to minor children when they inherit retirement accounts. The individual that is assigned is the custodian of the child, we'll need to assist them in navigating the distribution strategy and tax strategy surrounding they're inherited IRA or 401(k) account. Not being aware of the rules can lead to IRS tax penalties for failure to take requirement minimum distributions from the account each year.
When you are the successor beneficiary of an Inherited IRA the rules are very complex.
A common mistake that beneficiaries of retirement accounts make when they inherit either a Traditional IRA or 401(k) account is not knowing that if the decedent was required to take an RMD (required minimum distribution) for the year but did not distribute the full amount before they passed, the beneficiaries are then required to withdrawal that amount from the retirement account prior to December 31st of the year they passed away. Not taking the RMDs prior to December 31st could trigger IRS penalties unless an exception applies.
In July 2024, the IRS released its long-awaited final regulations clarifying the annual RMD (required minimum distribution) rules for non-spouse beneficiaries of retirement accounts that are subject to the new 10-year rule. But like most IRS regulations, it’s anything but simple and straightforward.
There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the required minimum distribution (RMD) rules for non-spouse, beneficiaries that inherited IRAs and 401(k) accounts subject to the new 10 Year Rule. This has left many non-spouse beneficiaries questioning whether or not they are required to take an RMD from their inherited retirement account prior to December 31, 2023. Here is the timeline of events leading up to that answer
On December 23, 2022, Congress passed the Secure Act 2.0, which moved the required minimum distribution (RMD) age from the current age of 72 out to age 73 starting in 2023. They also went one step further and included in the new law bill an automatic increase in the RMD beginning in 2033, extending the RMD start age to 75.
If you made the mistake of contributing too much to your Roth IRA, you have to go through the process of pulling the excess contributions back out of the Roth IRA. The could be IRS taxes and penalties involved but it’s important to understand your options.
There are income limits that can prevent you from taking a tax deduction for contributions to a Traditional IRA if you or your spouse are covered by a 401(k) but even if you can’t deduct the contribution to the IRA, there are tax strategies that you should consider
The order in which you take distributions from your retirement accounts absolutely matters in retirement. If you don’t have a formal withdraw strategy it could end up costing you in more ways than one. Click to read more on how this can effect you.
Congress passed the CARES Act in March 2020 which provides individuals with IRA, 401(k), and other employer sponsored retirement accounts, the option to waive their required minimum distribution (RMD) for the 2020 tax year.
The SECURE Act was passed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it came some big changes to the required minimum distribution (“RMD”) requirements from IRA’s and retirement plans. Prior to December 31, 2019, individuals
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it comes some very important changes to the options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries of IRA’s, 401(k), 403(b), and other types of retirement accounts
A required minimum distribution (RMD) is the amount that the IRS requires you to take out of your retirement account each year when you hit a certain age or when you inherit a retirement account from someone else. It’s important to plan tax-wise for these distributions because they can substantially increase your tax liability in a given year;
Being able to save money in a Roth account, whether in a company retirement plan or an IRA, has great benefits. You invest money and when you use it during retirement you don't pay taxes on your distributions. But is that always the case? The answer is no. There is an IRS rule that you must take note of known as the "5 Year Rule". There are a number
Parents always want their children to succeed financially so they do everything they can to set them up for a good future. One of the options for parents is to set up a Roth IRA and we have a lot of parents that ask us if they are allowed to establish one on behalf of their son or daughter. You can, as long as they have earned income. This can be a
If your spouse passes away and they had either an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or some other type of employer sponsored retirement account, you will have to determine which distribution option is the right one for you. There are deadlines that you will need to be aware of, different tax implications based on the option that you choose, forms that need to be
When you turn 70 1/2, you will have the option to process Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) which are distirbution from your pre-tax IRA directly to a chiartable organizaiton. Even though the SECURE Act in 2019 changed the RMD start age from 70 1/2 to age 72, your are still eligible to make these QCDs beginning the calendar year that you
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 which completely changed the distribution options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries. One of the major changes was the elimination of the “stretch provision” which previously allowed non-spouse beneficiaries to rollover the balance into their own inherited IRA and then take small
If you are turning age 72 this year, this article is for you. You will most likely have to start taking required minimum distributions from your retirement accounts. This article will outline:
Spousal IRA’s are one of the top tax tricks used by financial planners to help married couples reduce their tax bill. Here is how it works:
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s) are one of the most popular retirement vehicles available for savers and the purpose of this article is to give a general idea of how IRA’s work, explain the differences between Traditional and Roth IRA’s, and provide some pros and cons of each. In January 2015, The Investment Company Institute put out a research
An Inherited IRA is a retirement account that is left to a beneficiary after the owner’s death. It is important to have a general knowledge of how Inherited IRA’s work because a minor error in how the account is set up could lead to major tax consequences.
This strategy is for high income earners that make too much to contribute directly to a Roth IRA. In recent years, some of these high income earners have been implementing a “backdoor Roth IRA conversion strategy” to get around the Roth IRA contribution limitations and make contributions to Roth IRA’s via “conversions”. For the 2020 tax year, your
The 60 day rule refers to the length of time an individual has to deposit money back into a retirement account that was previously withdrawn without incurring a taxable event. There are a number of reasons someone would withdraw money from an account whether it be to pay a large tax bill, obtain cash for an unexpected expense, or to rollover the
Backdoor Roth IRA Contribution Strategy
This strategy is for high income earners that make too much to contribute directly to a Roth IRA. In recent years, some of these high income earners have been implementing a “backdoor Roth IRA conversion strategy” to get around the Roth IRA contribution limitations and make contributions to Roth IRA’s via “conversions”. For the 2020 tax year, your
This strategy is for high income earners that make too much to contribute directly to a Roth IRA. In recent years, some of these high income earners have been implementing a “backdoor Roth IRA conversion strategy” to get around the Roth IRA contribution limitations and make contributions to Roth IRA’s via “conversions”. For the 2021 tax year, your ability to make contributions to a Roth IRA begins to phase out at the following AGI thresholds based on your filing status:
Single: $125,000
Married Filing Jointly: $198,000
Married Filing Separately: $0
However, in 2010 the IRS removed the income limits on “IRA Conversions” which open up an opportunity……if executed correctly…….for high income earners to make “backdoor” contributions to a Roth IRA.
Why would a high income earning want to contribute to a Roth IRA? Once high income earners have maxed out their contributions to their employer sponsored retirement plans, they usually begin to fund plain vanilla investment management accounts or whole life insurance policies. When assets accumulate in an investment management account, once liquidated, the account owner typically has to pay either short-term or long term capital gains on the appreciation. For whole life insurance, even though the accumulation is tax deferred, if the policy is surrendered, the policy owner pays ordinary income tax on the gain in the policy.
With a Roth IRA, after tax contributions are made to the account and the gains in the account are withdrawn TAX FREE if the account owner at the time of withdrawal is over the age of 59½ and the Roth IRA has been in existence for 5 years. A huge tax benefit for high income earners who are typically in a medium to higher tax bracket even in retirement.
Here is how the strategy works
Rollover all existing pre-tax IRA’s into your employer sponsored retirement plan
Make a non-deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA
Convert the Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA
Here are the pitfalls in the execution process
Over the years, more and more individuals have become aware of this wealth accumulation strategy. However, there are risks associated with executing this strategy and if not executed correctly could result in adverse tax consequences.
Here are the top pitfalls:
Forget to aggregate Pre-Tax IRA’s
Do not understand that SEP IRA’s and Simple IRA’s are included in the Aggregation Rule
They create a “step transaction”
Pitfall #1: IRS Aggregation Rule
The IRA aggregate rule stipulates that when an individual has multiple IRAs, they will allbe treated as one account when determining the tax consequences of any distributions (including a distribution out of the account for a Roth conversion).
This creates a significant challenge for those who wish to do the backdoor Roth strategy, but have otherexisting IRA accounts already in place (e.g., from prior years’ deductible IRA contributions, or rollovers from prior 401(k) and other employer retirement plans). Because the standard rule for IRA distributions (and Roth conversions) is that any after-tax contributions come out along with any pre-tax assets (whether from contributions or growth) on a pro-rata basis, when all the accounts are aggregated together, it becomes impossible to justconvert the non-deductible IRA.
If an individual has pre-tax IRA’s we typically recommend that they rollover those IRA’s into their employer sponsored retirement plans which eliminates all of their pre-tax IRA balance and then open the opportunity to execute this backdoor Roth IRA contribution strategy.
Pitfall #2: SEP IRA & Simple IRA's count
Many smaller companies and self-employed individuals sponsor SEP IRA’s or Simple IRA Plans. Many individuals just assume that these are “employer sponsored retirement plans” not subject to the aggregation rules. Wrong. In the eyes of the IRS these are “pre-tax IRA’s” and are subject to the aggregation rules. If you have a Simple IRA or SEP IRA, make sure you take this common pitfall into account.
Pitfall #3: Beware IRS Step Transaction Rule
This is probably the most common pitfall that we see when executing this strategy. Individuals and investment advisors alike will make deposits to the non-deductible traditional IRA and then the next day process the conversion to the Roth IRA. In doing this, you run the risk of creating a “step transaction”.
There is a very long explanation tied to “step transactions” and how to avoid a “step transactions” but I will provide you with a brief summary of the concept.
Here it is, if you use legal loop holes in the tax system in an obvious effort to side step other IRS limitations (like the Roth IRA income limit) it could be considered a “step transaction” by the IRS and the IRS may disallow the conversion and assess tax penalties.
Disclosure: Backdoor Roth IRA Conversion Strategy
It is highly recommend that you work closely with your financial advisor and tax advisor to determine whether or not this is a viable wealth accumulation strategy based on your personal financial situation.

Michael Ruger
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
Do you have enough to retire? Believe it or not, as financial planners, we can often answer that question in LESS THAN 60 SECONDS just by asking a handful of questions. In this video, I’m going to walk you through the 60-second calculation.
Squarespace Excerpt: As individuals approach retirement, they often begin reviewing their annual expenses, looking for ways to trim unnecessary expenses so their retirement savings last as long as possible now that their paychecks are about to stop for their working years. A common question that comes up during these client meetings is “Should I get rid of my life insurance policy now that I will be retiring?”
When clients are looking to purchase a new car one of the most common questions that we receive is “Should I Buy or Lease?” To get the answer, we interviewed a Certified Financial Planner and the owner of Rensselaer Honda to educate our audience on the pros and cons of buying vs leasing.
The most common questions that I receive when clients are about to purchase their next car is “should I buy it or lease it?” The answer depends on a number of factors including how long do you typically keep cars for, how many miles do you drive each year, the amount of the down payment, maintenance considerations, or do you have any teenagers in the family that will be driving soon?
A question I’m sure to address during employee retirement presentations is, “How Much Should I be Contributing?”. In this article, I will address some of the variables at play when coming up with your number and provide detail as to why two answers you will find searching the internet are so common.
Claiming the $7,500 tax credit for buying an EV (electric vehicle) or hybrid vehicle may not be as easy as you think. First, it’s a “use it or lose it credit” meaning if you do not have a federal tax liability of at least $7,500 in the year that you buy your electric vehicle, you cannot claim the full $7,500 credit and it does not carryforward to future tax years.
Establishing an emergency fund is an important step in achieving financial stability and growth. Not only does it help protect you when big expenses arise or when a spouse loses a job but it also helps keep your other financial goals on track.
When you retire and turn on your pension, you typically have to make a decision as to how you would like to receive your benefits which includes making a decision about the survivor benefits. Do you select….
More and more retires are making the decision to keep their primary residence in retirement but also own a second residence, whether that be a lake house, ski lodge, or a condo down south. Maintaining two houses in retirement requires a lot of additional planning because you need to be able to answer the following questions:
I am getting the question much more frequently from clients - "When I retire, does it make sense from a tax standpoint to change my residency from New York to Florida?". When I explain how the taxes work
When a family member has a health event that requires them to enter a nursing home or need full-time home health care, it can be an extremely stressful financial event for their spouse, children, grandchildren, or caretaker
Due to the rapid rise in the unemployment rate as a result of the Coronavirus, Congress passed the CARES Act which includes a provision that provides mortgage relief to homeowners that have federally-backed mortgages.
With all the volatility going on in the market, it seems there is one certainty and that is the word “historical” will continue to be in the headlines. Over the past few months, we’ve seen the Dow Jones Average hit historical highs, the 10-year treasury hit historical lows, and historical daily point movements in the market.
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it comes some very important changes to the options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries of IRA’s, 401(k), 403(b), and other types of retirement accounts
Once there is no longer a paycheck, retirees will typically meet expenses with a combination of social security, withdrawals from retirement accounts, annuities, and pensions. Social security, pensions, and annuities are usually fixed amounts, while withdrawals from retirement accounts could fluctuate based on need. This flexibility presents
The tax rules are different depending on the type of assets that you inherit. If you inherit a house, you may or may not have a tax liability when you go to sell it. This will largely depend on whose name was on the deed when the house was passed to you. There are also special exceptions that come into play if the house is owned by a trust, or if it was gifted
The number is higher than you think. When you total up the deductibles and premiums for Medicare part A, B, and D, that alone can cost a married couple $7,000 per year. We look at that figure as the baseline number. That $7,000 does not account for the additional costs associated with co-insurance, co-pays, dental costs, or Medigap insurance
Making the right decision of when to turn on your social security benefit is critical. The wrong decision could cost you tens of thousands of dollars over the long run. Given all the variables surrounding this decision, what might be the right decision for one person may be the wrong decision for another. This article will cover some of the key factors to
The short answer is "yes", but the approach that you take will most likely determine whether or not you are successful at purchasing your vehicle for a lower price than the amount listed in the lease agreement. When you lease a car, the lease agreement typically includes an amount that you can purchase the car for at the end of the lease. That amount is
The most difficult part of buying a house is coming up with the down payment. This leads to the question, "Can I access cash in my retirement accounts to help toward the down payment on my house?". The short answer is in most cases, "Yes". The next important questions is "Is it a good idea to take a withdrawal from my retirement account for the down
Many of our clients own individual stocks that they either bought a long time ago or inherited from a family member. If they do not need to liquidate the stock in retirement to supplement their income, the question comes up “should I just gift the stock to my kids while I’m still alive or should I just let them inherit it after I pass away?” The right answer is
As kids enter their teenage years, as a parent, you begin to teach them more advanced life lessons that they will hopefully carry with them into adulthood. One of the life lessons that many parents teach their children early on is the value of saving money. By their teenage years many children have built up a small savings account from birthday gifts,
The number of conversations that we are having with our clients about planning for long term care is increasing exponentially. Whether it’s planning for their parents, planning for themselves, or planning for a relative, our clients are largely initiating these conversations as a result of their own personal experiences.
My wife and I just added our first child to the family so this is a topic that has been weighing on my mind over the last 40 weeks. I will share just one non-financial takeaway from the entire experience. The global population may be much lower if men had to go through what women do. That being said, this article is meant to be a guideline for some of the important financial items to consider with children. Worrying about your children will never end and being comfortable with the financial aspects of parenthood may allow you to worry a little less and be able to enjoy the time you have with the
This is one of the most common questions asked by our clients when they are looking for a new car. The answer depends on a number of factors:
How long do you typically keep your cars?
How many miles do you typically drive each year?
What do you want your down payment and monthly payment to be?
The question, “How much do I need to retire?” has become a concern across generations rather than something that only those approaching retirement focus on. We wrote the article, How Much Money Do I Need To Save To Retire?, to help individuals answer this question. This article is meant to help create a strategy to reach that number. More
Buying a house can be a fun and exciting experience but it’s also one of the most important financial decisions that you are going to make during your lifetime. This article is designed to help home buyer’s understand:
This is by far the most popular question that we come across as financial planners. You may have heard some of the "rules of thumb" like “80% of your current take-home pay” or “1 million dollars”. In reality, the answer varies greatly on an individual by individual basis. This article will outline the procedures that we follow as financial planners to help
Buying your first home is one of life’s milestones that everyone should have the opportunity to experience if they choose. Owning a home gives you a feeling of accomplishment and as you make payments a portion is going to your personal net worth rather than a landlord. The process is exciting but one surefire piece of information that I wish I
This strategy is for high income earners that make too much to contribute directly to a Roth IRA. In recent years, some of these high income earners have been implementing a “backdoor Roth IRA conversion strategy” to get around the Roth IRA contribution limitations and make contributions to Roth IRA’s via “conversions”. For the 2020 tax year, your
What is the 60 Day Rule and How Should it be Used?
The 60 day rule refers to the length of time an individual has to deposit money back into a retirement account that was previously withdrawn without incurring a taxable event. There are a number of reasons someone would withdraw money from an account whether it be to pay a large tax bill, obtain cash for an unexpected expense, or to rollover the
The 60 day rule refers to the length of time an individual has to deposit money back into a retirement account that was previously withdrawn without incurring a taxable event. There are a number of reasons someone would withdraw money from an account whether it be to pay a large tax bill, obtain cash for an unexpected expense, or to rollover the balance into another retirement account.
There are multiple ways to rollover a balance from one retirement account to another so we will begin by explaining the more common ways to rollover a balance where the 60 day rule won't come into play.
Direct Rollover
A direct rollover is a transfer from a retirement plan to another retirement plan or IRA where the custodian of your current plan makes payment directly to your new account. This can be in the form of a check made payable to the new account custodian or a direct wire transfer. This method will avoid taxes and penalties because the account owner never had access to the cash during the transfer.
Trustee to Trustee Transfer
Similar to the direct rollover, a trustee to trustee transfer moves money from one IRA to another IRA without the account owner ever having access to the cash and therefore avoiding taxes and penalties.
The direct rollover and trustee to trustee transfer methods both avoid taxes and penalties as cash is never available to the owner and therefore the 60 day rule does not come into effect. In any case where the account owner has access to the cash, the money will have to be redeposited into another retirement account within 60 days or the owner will be taxed on any pre-tax dollars and possibly penalized if the owner is under the age of 59 ½.
The 60 day rule is one of the only ways an owner has access to money in a retirement account without paying taxes or penalties on the distribution. An individual can take advantage of this if they are in need of immediate cash for something like an unexpected expense. The distribution is essentially an interest free loan from your retirement account for 60 days. If the money is not available within the 60 days to redeposit, taxes and possible penalties will be assessed on the distribution.
IRS: One 60 Day Rollover in 12 Month Rule
The IRS recognized that individuals were taking advantage of this rule by taking multiple distributions in a single year and therefore increasing the time period. Beginning after January 1, 2015, the IRS changed the law to state that only one rollover can be made from one IRA to another IRA within a 12 month period. This rule does not apply to the following:
rollovers from traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs (conversions)
trustee-to-trustee transfers to another IRA
IRA-to-plan rollovers
plan-to-IRA rollovers
plan-to-plan rollovers
It shows the one rollover in a 12 month period rule was meant to limit the abuse of the 60 day rule because direct rollovers and trustee to trustee transfers are excluded.
What can be Rolled Over?
Most of the time the entire balance in a retirement account can be rolled over to another account unless the balance includes an amount of money that is required to be withdrawn. Examples include required minimum distributions and contributions in excess of limits (plus earnings on the excess contributions). For retirement plans, in addition to RMD's and excess contributions, any loans outstanding at the time of rollover or hardship distributions taken during the year will be subject to taxes and possible penalties.
Are Taxes Assessed at the Time of Distribution?
Distribution from an IRA: Typically, a tax is not assessed on a distribution from an IRA unless the account owner elects to have taxes withheld. A distribution from a pre-tax IRA account is typically subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty if taken before 59 ½.
Distribution from Retirement Plan: Any distribution taken from a retirement plan where cash is made available to the owner is subject to a minimum 20% federal withholding. For example, if you request a $10,000 distribution, you will receive $8,000 and $2,000 will go to the government. There is no option to opt out of this withholding even if you intend to rollover the balance within 60 days. For this reason, a direct rollover would be a way to avoid the 20% withholding.
It is important to understand if you intend to rollover a distribution from a retirement account that the entire amount of the distribution must be redeposited within 60 days to avoid taxes and penalties even if taxes were already withheld. Using the previous example, if you take a $10,000 distribution from a retirement account and have the 20% withheld for taxes you must redeposit $10,000 within 60 days even though you only received $8,000 in cash. This scenario may appear that you are losing $2,000 but when you complete your taxes the $10,000 distribution will not be taxable as long as the full amount was redeposited within 60 days. When you file your taxes, the $2,000 will be included in the federal taxes withheld which is how the money is recouped.
How is the Rollover Reported to the Government?
Any time you wish to utilize the 60 day rule, it is important you keep documentation. Any distribution from a retirement account will generate a 1099-R form that must be reported as income on your tax return. Also, the 1099-R will show any taxes withheld from the distribution. You will receive a 1099-R even if a direct rollover or trustee to trustee transfer was done. The way the distribution is coded determines how the IRS treats it for tax purposes. If the distribution is coded as a direct rollover or trustee to trustee transfer, the distribution will not be treated as taxable income. If the distribution gave you access to cash, the 1099-R will be coded in a way that treats the distribution as a taxable event. If you redeposited the amount into another retirement account within 60 days, it is important you notify your tax preparer and bring documentation showing the deposit was made timely. The tax preparer should then treat the distribution as a non-taxable event.
About Rob.........
Hi, I'm Rob Mangold. I'm the Chief Operating Officer at Greenbush Financial Group and a contributor to the Money Smart Board blog. We created the blog to provide strategies that will help our readers personally , professionally, and financially. Our blog is meant to be a resource. If there are questions that you need answered, pleas feel free to join in on the discussion or contact me directly.
As an investment firm, November and December is considered “tax-loss harvesting season” where we work with our clients to identify investment losses that can be used to offset capital gains that have been realized throughout the year in an effort to reduce their tax liability for the year. But there are a lot of IRS rule surrounding what “type” of realized losses can be used to offset realized gains and retail investors are often unaware of these rules which can lead to errors in their lost harvesting strategies.
Qualified Charitable Distributions are an advanced tax strategy used by individuals who are age 70½ or older who typically make annual contributions to their church, charity, or other not-for-profit organizations. QCDs allow individuals who have pre-tax IRAs to send money directly from their IRA to their charity of choice, and they avoid having to pay tax on those distributions. However, a client recently asked an excellent question:
“Can you process a qualified charitable distribution from an Inherited IRA? If yes, does that QCD also count toward the annual RMD requirement?”
There are special non spouse beneficiary rules that apply to minor children when they inherit retirement accounts. The individual that is assigned is the custodian of the child, we'll need to assist them in navigating the distribution strategy and tax strategy surrounding they're inherited IRA or 401(k) account. Not being aware of the rules can lead to IRS tax penalties for failure to take requirement minimum distributions from the account each year.
When you are the successor beneficiary of an Inherited IRA the rules are very complex.
A common mistake that beneficiaries of retirement accounts make when they inherit either a Traditional IRA or 401(k) account is not knowing that if the decedent was required to take an RMD (required minimum distribution) for the year but did not distribute the full amount before they passed, the beneficiaries are then required to withdrawal that amount from the retirement account prior to December 31st of the year they passed away. Not taking the RMDs prior to December 31st could trigger IRS penalties unless an exception applies.
In July 2024, the IRS released its long-awaited final regulations clarifying the annual RMD (required minimum distribution) rules for non-spouse beneficiaries of retirement accounts that are subject to the new 10-year rule. But like most IRS regulations, it’s anything but simple and straightforward.
There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the required minimum distribution (RMD) rules for non-spouse, beneficiaries that inherited IRAs and 401(k) accounts subject to the new 10 Year Rule. This has left many non-spouse beneficiaries questioning whether or not they are required to take an RMD from their inherited retirement account prior to December 31, 2023. Here is the timeline of events leading up to that answer
On December 23, 2022, Congress passed the Secure Act 2.0, which moved the required minimum distribution (RMD) age from the current age of 72 out to age 73 starting in 2023. They also went one step further and included in the new law bill an automatic increase in the RMD beginning in 2033, extending the RMD start age to 75.
If you made the mistake of contributing too much to your Roth IRA, you have to go through the process of pulling the excess contributions back out of the Roth IRA. The could be IRS taxes and penalties involved but it’s important to understand your options.
There are income limits that can prevent you from taking a tax deduction for contributions to a Traditional IRA if you or your spouse are covered by a 401(k) but even if you can’t deduct the contribution to the IRA, there are tax strategies that you should consider
The order in which you take distributions from your retirement accounts absolutely matters in retirement. If you don’t have a formal withdraw strategy it could end up costing you in more ways than one. Click to read more on how this can effect you.
Congress passed the CARES Act in March 2020 which provides individuals with IRA, 401(k), and other employer sponsored retirement accounts, the option to waive their required minimum distribution (RMD) for the 2020 tax year.
The SECURE Act was passed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it came some big changes to the required minimum distribution (“RMD”) requirements from IRA’s and retirement plans. Prior to December 31, 2019, individuals
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 and with it comes some very important changes to the options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries of IRA’s, 401(k), 403(b), and other types of retirement accounts
A required minimum distribution (RMD) is the amount that the IRS requires you to take out of your retirement account each year when you hit a certain age or when you inherit a retirement account from someone else. It’s important to plan tax-wise for these distributions because they can substantially increase your tax liability in a given year;
Being able to save money in a Roth account, whether in a company retirement plan or an IRA, has great benefits. You invest money and when you use it during retirement you don't pay taxes on your distributions. But is that always the case? The answer is no. There is an IRS rule that you must take note of known as the "5 Year Rule". There are a number
Parents always want their children to succeed financially so they do everything they can to set them up for a good future. One of the options for parents is to set up a Roth IRA and we have a lot of parents that ask us if they are allowed to establish one on behalf of their son or daughter. You can, as long as they have earned income. This can be a
If your spouse passes away and they had either an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or some other type of employer sponsored retirement account, you will have to determine which distribution option is the right one for you. There are deadlines that you will need to be aware of, different tax implications based on the option that you choose, forms that need to be
When you turn 70 1/2, you will have the option to process Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) which are distirbution from your pre-tax IRA directly to a chiartable organizaiton. Even though the SECURE Act in 2019 changed the RMD start age from 70 1/2 to age 72, your are still eligible to make these QCDs beginning the calendar year that you
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2019 which completely changed the distribution options that are available to non-spouse beneficiaries. One of the major changes was the elimination of the “stretch provision” which previously allowed non-spouse beneficiaries to rollover the balance into their own inherited IRA and then take small
If you are turning age 72 this year, this article is for you. You will most likely have to start taking required minimum distributions from your retirement accounts. This article will outline:
Spousal IRA’s are one of the top tax tricks used by financial planners to help married couples reduce their tax bill. Here is how it works:
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s) are one of the most popular retirement vehicles available for savers and the purpose of this article is to give a general idea of how IRA’s work, explain the differences between Traditional and Roth IRA’s, and provide some pros and cons of each. In January 2015, The Investment Company Institute put out a research
An Inherited IRA is a retirement account that is left to a beneficiary after the owner’s death. It is important to have a general knowledge of how Inherited IRA’s work because a minor error in how the account is set up could lead to major tax consequences.
This strategy is for high income earners that make too much to contribute directly to a Roth IRA. In recent years, some of these high income earners have been implementing a “backdoor Roth IRA conversion strategy” to get around the Roth IRA contribution limitations and make contributions to Roth IRA’s via “conversions”. For the 2020 tax year, your
The 60 day rule refers to the length of time an individual has to deposit money back into a retirement account that was previously withdrawn without incurring a taxable event. There are a number of reasons someone would withdraw money from an account whether it be to pay a large tax bill, obtain cash for an unexpected expense, or to rollover the
How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?
Do you even need life insurance? If you have dependants to protect and you do not have enough savings, you will most likely need life insurance. But the question is how much should I have? Well, your home will be one of your biggest assets, and in some cases the money that it makes from its sale when you have passed away is a significant inheritance
Do you even need life insurance? If you have dependants to protect and you do not have enough savings, you will most likely need life insurance. But the question is how much should I have? Well, your home will be one of your biggest assets, and in some cases the money that it makes from its sale when you have passed away is a significant inheritance for your children.
If you do not have dependents or you have enough savings to cover the current and future expenses for your dependents there really is no need for life insurance. Life insurance sales professional can be very aggressive with their sales tactics and sometime they mask their services as "financial planning" but all of their solutions lead to you buying an expensive whole life insurance policy.
Remember, life insurance is simply a transfer of risk. When you are younger, have a family, a mortgage, and are just starting to accumulate assets, the amount of life insurance coverage is usually at its greatest. But as your children grow up, they finish college, you pay your mortgage, you have no debt, and you have accumulated a good amount in retirement savings, your need to transfer that risk diminishes because you have essentially become self-insured. Just because you had a $1M dollar life insurance policy issued 10 years ago does not mean that is the amount you need now.
Which kind of insurance should you get?
It's our opinion that for most individuals term insurance makes the most sense. Insurance agents are always very eager to sell whole life, variable life, and universal life policies. Why? They pay big commissions!! When you compare a $1M 30 year term policy and a $1M Whole Life policy side by side, often times the annual premium for whole life insurance is 10 times that amount of the term insurance policy. Insurance agents will tout that the whole life policy has cash value, you can take loans, and that it's a tax deferred savings vehicle. But often time when you compare that to: "If I just bought the cheaper term insurance and did something else with the money I would have spent on the more expensive whole life policy such as additional pre-tax retirement savings, college savings for the kids, paying down the mortgage, or setting up an investment management account, at the end of the day I'm in a much better spot financially."
How much life insurance do you need?
The most common rule of thumb that I hear is "10 times my annual salary". Please throw that out the window. The amount of insurance you need varies greatly from individual to individual. The calculation to reach the answer is fairly straight forward. Below is the approach we take with our clients:
How much debt do you have? This includes mortgages, car loans, personal loans, credit cards, etc. Your total debt amount is your starting point.
What are your annual expenses? Just create a quick list of your monthly expenses, they do not have to be exact, and our recommendation is to estimate on the high side just to be safe. Then multiply your monthly expense by 12 months to reach your "annual after tax expenses".
How much monthly income do you have to replace? If you are married, we have to look at the income of each spouse. If your monthly expenses are $50,000 per year and the husband earns $30,000 and the wife earns $80,000, we are going to need more insurance on the wife because we have to replace $80,000 per year in income if she were to pass away unexpectedly. Married couples make the mistake of getting the same face value of insurance just because. Look at it from an income replacement standpoint. If you are a single parent or provider, you will just look at the amount of income that is needed to meet the anticipated monthly expenses for your dependents.
Factor in long term savings goals and expenses. Examples of this are the college cost for your children and the annual retirement savings for the surviving spouse.
Husband: Age 40: Annual Income $70,000
Wife: Age 41: Annual Income $70,000
Children: Age 13 & 10
Total Outstanding Debt with Mortgage: $250,000
Total Annual After Tax Expenses: $90,000
Savings & Investment Accounts: $100,000
Remember there is not a single correct way to calculate your insurance need. This example is meant to help you through the thought process. Let's look at an insurance policy for the husband. We first look at what the duration of the term insurance policy should be. Our top two questions are "when will the mortgage be paid off?" and "when will the kids be done with college?" These are the two most common large expenses that we are insuring against. In this example let's assume they have 20 years left on their mortgage so at a minimum we will be looking at a 20 year term policy since the youngest child will done with their 4 year degree within the next 12 years. So a 20 year term covers both.
Here is how we would calculate the amount. Start with the total amount of debt: $250,000. That is our base amount. Then we need to look at college expense for the kids. Assume $20K per year for each child for a 4 year degree: $160,000. Next we look at how much annual income we need to replace on the husband's life to meet their monthly expense. In this example it will be close to all of it but let's reduce it to $60K per year. It is determined that they will need their current level of income until the mortgage is paid in full so $60,000 x 20 Years = $1,200,000. When you add all of these up they will need a 20 year term policy with a death benefit of $1,610,000. But we also have to take into account that they already have $100,000 in savings and their levels of debt should decrease with each year as time progresses. In this scenario we would most likely recommend a 20 Year Term Policy with a $1.5M death benefit on the husband's life.
The calculation for his wife in this scenario would be similar since they have the same level of income.

Michael Ruger
About Michael.........
Hi, I'm Michael Ruger. I'm the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
There is a negative equity problem building within the U.S. auto industry. Negative equity is when you go to trade in your car for a new one but the outstanding balance on your car loan is GREATER than the value of your car. You have the option to either write a check for the remaining balance on the loan or “roll” the negative equity into your new car loan. More and more consumers are getting caught in this negative equity trap.
Establishing an emergency fund is an important step in achieving financial stability and growth. Not only does it help protect you when big expenses arise or when a spouse loses a job but it also helps keep your other financial goals on track.
Before you gift assets to your children make sure you fully understand the Kiddie Tax rule and other pitfalls associated with making gift to your children……….
When you have a large cash reserve, should you take that opportunity to pay down debt or should you invest it? The answer is “it depends”.
It depends on: ….
How much will the cost of your car insurance increase once you add a teenager to your policy. Here are a few strategies for reducing the cost……
A very common question that we frequently receive from clients is “If I want to make a cash gift to my kids, do I have to pay gift taxes?” The answer to that question depends on number of items such as: The amount of the gift
When you sell your primary residence, and meet certain requirements, you may be able to exclude all or a portion of your capital gain in the property from taxes. In this article, I am going to cover the $250,000
When a family member has a health event that requires them to enter a nursing home or need full-time home health care, it can be an extremely stressful financial event for their spouse, children, grandchildren, or caretaker
When we are assisting clients in building their personal financial plan, inevitably one of the most frequent questions that comes up is: “How much life insurance should I have?”
Due to the rapid rise in the unemployment rate as a result of the Coronavirus, Congress passed the CARES Act which includes a provision that provides mortgage relief to homeowners that have federally-backed mortgages.
The U.S. Senate recently passed the CARES Act which was put in place to help stabilize the economy in the wake of the Coronavirus containment efforts. One of the key items in the bill are the stimulus checks that the IRS will issue to
New parents have even more to be excited about in 2020. On December 19, 2019, Congress passed the SECURE Act, which now allows parents to withdraw up to $5,000 out of their IRA’s or 401(k) plans following the birth of their child
As a young professional, your most valuable asset is your career. While you can watch endless videos on the benefits of making Roth IRA contributions or owning real estate, at the end of the day if you're making $400,000 instead of
As a financial planner, clients will frequently ask me the following question, “Should I apply extra money toward my mortgage and pay it off early?”. The answer depends on several factors such as:
The tax rules are different depending on the type of assets that you inherit. If you inherit a house, you may or may not have a tax liability when you go to sell it. This will largely depend on whose name was on the deed when the house was passed to you. There are also special exceptions that come into play if the house is owned by a trust, or if it was gifted
If you watched the nightly news during the latest government shutdown you would have seen stories about how people struggle when they aren’t getting a paycheck. Most Americans are not immune to having a set back at a job and it is a scary feeling to not know when the next paycheck will come. The emergency fund is what will help you bridge the
Parents always want their children to succeed financially so they do everything they can to set them up for a good future. One of the options for parents is to set up a Roth IRA and we have a lot of parents that ask us if they are allowed to establish one on behalf of their son or daughter. You can, as long as they have earned income. This can be a
If you were planning on moving this year to take a new position with a new company or even a new position within your current employer, the moving process just got a little more expensive. Not only is it expensive, but it can put you under an intense amount of stress as there will be lots of things that you need to have in place before packing up and
As a result of tax reform, the IRS released the new income tax withholding tables in January and your employer probably entered those new withholding amounts into the payroll system in February. It was estimated that about 90% of taxpayers would see an increase in their take home pay once the new withholding tables were implemented.
With total student loan debt in the United States approaching $1.4 Trillion dollars, I seem to be having this conversation more and more with clients. There has been a lot of speculation between president obama and student loans, but student loan debt is still piling up. The amount of student loan debt is piling up and it's putting the next generation of
Whether you're currently married or not, the new tax legislation may impact how the "Marriage Penalty" affects you. Never heard of such a thing? Let's take a look at a simple example and show how it may be different under the new tax regulation.
There is great news for parents in the middle to upper income tax brackets in 2018. The new tax law dramatically increased the income phaseout threshold for claiming the child tax credit. In 2017, parents were eligible for a $1,000 tax credit for each child under the age of 17 as long as their adjusted gross income (“AGI”) was below $75,000 for single
U.S taxpayers have a big reason to celebrate this week. By the end of February, you should see your paycheck increase. The government released the new payroll withholding tables this week which will lower the amount of taxes withheld from your paycheck and increase your take home pay. Naturally the next question is "How much will my paycheck go
It's not a secret to anyone at this point that the new tax bill is going to inflict some pain on the U.S. housing market in 2018. The questions that most homeowners and real estate investors are asking is: "How much are home prices likely to decrease within the next year due to the tax changes?" The new $10,000 limitation on SALT deductions, the lower
The answer............it depends. It depends on what you used or are going to use the home equity loan for. Up until the end of 2017, borrowers could deduct interest on home equity loans or homes equity lines of credit up to $100,000. Unfortunately, many homeowners will lose this deduction under the new tax law that takes effect January 1, 2018.
If you have children that are college-bound at some point you will begin the painful process of calculating how much college will cost for both you and them. However, you might be less worried about the financial aspects of your child going to college after viewing some of the Bloomsburg student apartments for rent on the market at the moment.
Make no mistake, your company retirement plan is at risk if the proposed tax reform is passed. But wait…..didn’t Trump tweet on October 23, 2017 that “there will be NO change to your 401(k)”? He did tweet that, however, while the tax reform might not directly alter the contribution limits to employer sponsored retirement plans, the new tax rates
If your child graduates from college and you are fortunate enough to still have a balance in their 529 college savings account, what are your options for the remaining balance? There are basically 5 options for the money left over in college 529 plans.
Equifax, a credit agency, had a data breach that resulted in an estimated 143 million people having their personal information compromised. Surprisingly enough, the greatest risk is right not now but rather a few months down the road. After your data is stolen, your information is sold on the black market, and then the bad guys figure out how they
Paying Down Debt: What is the Best Strategy?
Living with debt is not easy. It can be a constant burden and easily disrupt day-to-day life. Having debt will also ruin your credit score too. The worse your credit score gets, the less likely you will be accepted for any type of loan. One of the fastest ways to get rid of your debt is to pay your debt off in the correct order.
Living with debt is not easy. It can be a constant burden and easily disrupt day-to-day life. Having debt will also ruin your credit score too. The worse your credit score gets, the less likely you will be accepted for any type of loan. One of the fastest ways to get rid of your debt is to pay your debt off in the correct order.
STEP 1: Create a list of all your current debts
The first step is understanding what you owe. To start, make a master list of all your monthly credit card and loan statements. For each bill, include:
The creditor's name
The total amount you owe on that bill
The minimum required monthly payment
The interest rate (also known as APR)
The payment due date
STEP 2: List all of your monthly expenses
Add up all your monthly expenses: rent, car, food, utilities, health insurance and the minimum payments on your debts; as well as regular spending on things such as entertainment and clothing. Subtract that figure from your monthly after-tax income. The remaining amount is what you could put toward debt repayment each month-though it may make sense for you to save some.
STEP 3: Call your lenders
Call your lenders and explain your situation. They may be willing to lower your interest rate temporarily or waive late fees. You may also be able to lower your interest rate by transferring some high-interest credit card debt onto a new credit card with a lower rate (though that's not a long-term solution).
STEP 4: Payoff high interest rate or small balances first
You can start with the bill carrying the highest interest, or the one with the smallest balance. Prioritizing the highest-rate debt can save you more money: You pay off your most expensive debt sooner. Paying off the smallest debt can eliminate a bill faster, providing a motivating boost. Whichever you choose, make sure to pay at least the minimum on all your debts.
Pay the monthly minimum on each debt. The exception: your target bill. Put more money toward this one to pay it down faster. Once you pay off that bill, choose another to pay down aggressively. Your monthly debt repayment total shouldn't change, even when you eliminate bills. This way you gain momentum as you go, putting more and more money toward each remaining bill.
STEP 5: Get creative
You can use your annual tax refund or holiday bonus to pay down debt. Look for small ways to save money every day, such as riding your bike to work, or eating in instead of dining out. Another way to make a dent quickly is to sell unused or unnecessary belongings-maybe downgrading your car to a more affordable model with lower monthly payments.
STEP 6: Break the cycle
As you start to escape debt, it can be tempting to reward yourself by splurging on a new smartphone or an expensive dinner but just a few purchases can erase all your hard work. Instead, buy things with cash or your debit card, and think long and hard before taking on any new debt.
Read this book
If you want to live a debt free life, I strongly recommend you read the book "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. Ramsey's book really paves the way to get out of debt and stay out of debt.

Michael Ruger
About Michael.........
Hi, I'm Michael Ruger. I'm the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
There is a negative equity problem building within the U.S. auto industry. Negative equity is when you go to trade in your car for a new one but the outstanding balance on your car loan is GREATER than the value of your car. You have the option to either write a check for the remaining balance on the loan or “roll” the negative equity into your new car loan. More and more consumers are getting caught in this negative equity trap.
Establishing an emergency fund is an important step in achieving financial stability and growth. Not only does it help protect you when big expenses arise or when a spouse loses a job but it also helps keep your other financial goals on track.
Before you gift assets to your children make sure you fully understand the Kiddie Tax rule and other pitfalls associated with making gift to your children……….
When you have a large cash reserve, should you take that opportunity to pay down debt or should you invest it? The answer is “it depends”.
It depends on: ….
How much will the cost of your car insurance increase once you add a teenager to your policy. Here are a few strategies for reducing the cost……
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When a family member has a health event that requires them to enter a nursing home or need full-time home health care, it can be an extremely stressful financial event for their spouse, children, grandchildren, or caretaker
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Due to the rapid rise in the unemployment rate as a result of the Coronavirus, Congress passed the CARES Act which includes a provision that provides mortgage relief to homeowners that have federally-backed mortgages.
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New parents have even more to be excited about in 2020. On December 19, 2019, Congress passed the SECURE Act, which now allows parents to withdraw up to $5,000 out of their IRA’s or 401(k) plans following the birth of their child
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The tax rules are different depending on the type of assets that you inherit. If you inherit a house, you may or may not have a tax liability when you go to sell it. This will largely depend on whose name was on the deed when the house was passed to you. There are also special exceptions that come into play if the house is owned by a trust, or if it was gifted
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U.S taxpayers have a big reason to celebrate this week. By the end of February, you should see your paycheck increase. The government released the new payroll withholding tables this week which will lower the amount of taxes withheld from your paycheck and increase your take home pay. Naturally the next question is "How much will my paycheck go
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The answer............it depends. It depends on what you used or are going to use the home equity loan for. Up until the end of 2017, borrowers could deduct interest on home equity loans or homes equity lines of credit up to $100,000. Unfortunately, many homeowners will lose this deduction under the new tax law that takes effect January 1, 2018.
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What is the Process for Setting Up a Will?
Creating a will is often a task that everyone knows they should do but it gets put on the back burner. Creating a will is one of the most critical things you can do for your loved ones. Putting your wishes on paper helps your heirs avoid unnecessary hassles, and you gain the peace of mind knowing that a life's worth of possessions will end up in the right
Creating a will is often a task that everyone knows they should do but it gets put on the back burner. Creating a will is one of the most critical things you can do for your loved ones. Putting your wishes on paper helps your heirs avoid unnecessary hassles, and you gain the peace of mind knowing that a life's worth of possessions will end up in the right hands. But before for you do, it helps to know the overall process of setting up a will to save you time and money.
What is a will?
A will is simply a legal document in which you, the testator, declare who will manage your estate after you die. Your estate can consist of big, expensive things such as a vacation home but also small items that might hold sentimental value such as photographs. The person named in the will to manage your estate is called the executor because he or she executes your stated wishes. Sometimes though, people get confused by this and aren't too sure what the meaning of an executor.
A will can also serve to declare who you wish to become the guardian for any minor children or dependents, and who you want to receive specific items that you own - Aunt Sally gets the silver, Cousin Billy the bone china, and so on. Someone designated to receive any of your property is called a "beneficiary."
Some types of property, including certain insurance policies and retirement accounts, generally aren't covered by wills. You should've listed beneficiaries when you took out the policies or opened the accounts. Check if you can't remember, and make sure you keep beneficiaries up to date, since what you have on file when you die should dictate who receives those assets.
What happens if I die without a will?
If you die without a valid will, you'll become what's called intestate. That usually means your estate will be settled based on the laws of your state that outline who inherits what. Probate is the legal process of transferring the property of a deceased person to the rightful heirs.
Since no executor was named, a judge appoints an administrator to serve in that capacity. An administrator also will be named if a will is deemed to be invalid. All wills must meet certain standards such as being witnessed to be legally valid. Again, requirements vary from state to state.
An administrator will most likely be a stranger to you and your family, and he or she will be bound by the letter of the probate laws of your state. As such, an administrator may make decisions that wouldn't necessarily agree with your wishes or those of your heirs.
Do I need an attorney to prepare my will?
No, you aren't required to hire a lawyer to prepare your will, though an experienced attorney can provide useful advice on estate-planning strategies such as establishing testamentary, revocable, and irrevocable trusts. But as long as your will meets the legal requirements of your state, it's valid whether a lawyer drafted it or you wrote it yourself on the back of a napkin.
Do-it-yourself will kits are widely available online which are of course better than nothing but we usually recommend that our clients at least have an attorney review their will and make sure the specifications in their will match their wishes.
Should my spouse and I have a joint will or separate wills?
Estate planners almost universally advise against joint wills, and some states don't even recognize them. Odds are you and your spouse won't die at the same time, and there's probably property that's not jointly held. That's why separate wills make better sense, even though your will and your spouse's will might end up looking remarkably similar.
In particular, separate wills allow for each spouse to address issues such as ex-spouses and children from previous relationships. Ditto for property that was obtained during a previous marriage. Be very clear about who gets what. Probate laws generally favor the current spouse.
Who should I name as my executor?
You can name your spouse, an adult child, or another trusted friend or relative as your executor. If your affairs are complicated, it might make more sense to name an attorney or someone with legal and financial expertise. You can also name joint executors, such as your spouse or partner and your attorney.
One of the most important things your will can do is empower your executor to pay your bills and deal with debt collectors. Make sure the wording of your will allows for this, and also gives your executor leeway to take care of any related issues that aren't specifically outlined in your will.
How do I leave specific items to specific heirs?
If you wish to leave certain personal property to certain heirs, indicate as much in your will. In addition, you can create a separate document called a letter of instruction that you should keep with your will.
A letter of instruction, which isn't legally binding in some states, can be written more informally than a will and can go into detail about which items go to whom. You can also include specifics about any number of things that will help your executor settle your estate including account numbers, passwords and even burial instructions.
Another option is to leave everything to one trusted person who knows your wishes for distributing your personal items. This, of course, is risky because you're relying on this person to honor your intentions without fail. Consider carefully.
Who has the right to contest my will?
Contesting a will refers to challenging the legal validity of all or part of the document. A beneficiary who feels slighted by the terms of a will might choose to contest it. Depending on which state you live in, so too might a spouse, ex-spouse or child who believes your stated wishes go against local probate laws.
A will can be contested for any number of other reasons: it wasn't properly witnessed; you weren't competent when you signed it; or it's the result of coercion or fraud. It's usually up to a probate judge to settle the dispute. The key to successfully contesting a will is finding legitimate legal fault with it. A clearly drafted and validly executed will is the best defense.

Michael Ruger
About Michael.........
Hi, I'm Michael Ruger. I'm the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
When we are working with clients on their estate plan, one of the primary objectives is to assist them with titling their assets so they avoid the probate process after they pass away. For anyone that has had to serve as the executor of an estate, you have probably had firsthand experience of how much of a headache the probate processes which is why it's typically a goal of an estate plan to avoid the probate process altogether.
I recently published an article called “Don’t Gift Your House To Your Children” which highlighted the pitfalls of gifting your house to your kids versus setting up a Medicaid Trust to own your house, as an asset protection strategy to manage the risk of a long-care care event taking place in the future. That article prompted a few estate attorneys to reach out to me to present a third option which involves gifting your house to your children with a life estate. While the life estate does solve some of the tax issues of gifting the house to your kids with no life estate, there are still issues that persist even with a life estate that can be solved by setting up a Medicaid trust to own your house.
A common financial mistake that I see people make when attempting to protect their house from a long-term care event is gifting their house to their children. While you may be successful at protecting the house from a Medicaid spend-down situation, you will also inadvertently be handing your children a huge tax liability after you pass away. A tax liability, that with proper planning, could be avoided entirely.
When we are constructing financial plans for clients, we inevitably get to the estate planning portion of the plan, and ask them “Do you have updated wills, a health proxy, and a power of attorney in place?
When a family member has a health event that requires them to enter a nursing home or need full-time home health care, it can be an extremely stressful financial event for their spouse, children, grandchildren, or caretaker
The tax rules are different depending on the type of assets that you inherit. If you inherit a house, you may or may not have a tax liability when you go to sell it. This will largely depend on whose name was on the deed when the house was passed to you. There are also special exceptions that come into play if the house is owned by a trust, or if it was gifted
When you say the word “trust” many people think that trusts are only used by the uber rich to protect their millions of dollars but that is very far from the truth. Yes, extremely wealthy families do use trusts to reduce the size of their estate but there are also a lot of very good reasons why it makes sense for an average individual or family to establish
You are most likely reading this article because you had a family member that had a health event and the doctors have informed you that they are not allowed to go back home to their house and will need some form of health assistance going forward. This article was written to help you understand from a high level the steps that you may need to take to
If your spouse passes away and they had either an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or some other type of employer sponsored retirement account, you will have to determine which distribution option is the right one for you. There are deadlines that you will need to be aware of, different tax implications based on the option that you choose, forms that need to be
If you are the trustee of a trust, in most cases, you are allowed to be paid a commission from the trust assets. States have different rules with regard to the trustee commission calculation. This article will assist you in understanding how the commission is calculated, how the payments are taxed, the rules for commissions not taken in past years, and how
Do trusts have an expiration date after the death of the grantor? For most states, the answer is “Yes”. New York is one of those states that have adopted “The Rule Against Perpetuities” which requires all of the assets to be distributed from the trust by a specified date.
There are three key estate documents that everyone should have: Will, Health Proxy, Power of Attorney, If you have dependents, such as a spouse or children, the statement above graduates from “should have” to “need to
The number of conversations that we are having with our clients about planning for long term care is increasing exponentially. Whether it’s planning for their parents, planning for themselves, or planning for a relative, our clients are largely initiating these conversations as a result of their own personal experiences.
Whenever people come into large sums of money, such as inheritance, the first question is “how much will I be taxed on this money”? Believe it or not, money you receive from an inheritance is likely not taxable income to you.
Creating a will is often a task that everyone knows they should do but it gets put on the back burner. Creating a will is one of the most critical things you can do for your loved ones. Putting your wishes on paper helps your heirs avoid unnecessary hassles, and you gain the peace of mind knowing that a life's worth of possessions will end up in the right