Business Owners: Strategies To Reduce Your Taxable Income To Qualify For The New 20% Qualified Business Income Deduction
Now that small business owners have the 20% deduction available for their pass-through income in 2018, as a business owner, you will need to begin to position your business to take full advantage of the new tax deduction. However, the Qualified Business Income ("QBI") deduction has taxable income thresholds. Once the owner's personal taxable
Now that small business owners have the 20% deduction available for their pass-through income in 2018, as a business owner, you will need to begin to position your business to take full advantage of the new tax deduction. However, the Qualified Business Income ("QBI") deduction has taxable income thresholds. Once the owner's personal taxable income begins to exceed specific dollar amounts, the 20% deduction with either phase out or it will trigger an alternative calculation that could lower the deduction.
First: Understand The 20% Deduction
If you are not already familiar with how the new 20% deduction works, I encourage you to read our article:"How Pass-Through Income Will Be Taxes In 2018 For Small Business Owners"If you are already familiar with how the Qualified Business Income deduction works, please continue reading.
The Taxable Income Thresholds
Regardless of whether you are considered a “services business” or “non-services business” under the new tax law, you will need to be aware of the following income thresholds:
Individual: $157,500
Married: $315,000
These threshold amounts are based on the “total taxable income” listed on the tax return of the business owner. Not “AGI” and not just the pass-through income from the business. Total taxable income. For example, if I make $100,000 in net profit from my business and my wife makes $400,000 in W-2 income, our total taxable income on our married filing joint tax return is going to be way over the $315,000 threshold. So do we completely lose the 20% deduction on the $100,000 in pass-through income from the business? Maybe not!!
The Safe Zone
For many business owners, to maximize the new 20% deduction, they will do everything that they can to keep their total taxable income below the thresholds. This is what I call the “safe zone”. If you keep your total taxable income below these thresholds, you will be allowed to take your total qualified business income, multiply it by 20%, and you’re done. Once you get above these thresholds, the 20% deduction will either begin to phase out or it will trigger the alternative 50% of W-2 income calculation which may reduce the deduction. The phase out ranges are listed below:
Inidividuals: $157,500 to $207,500
Married: $315,000 to $415,000
As you get closer to the top of the range the deduction begins to completely phase out for “services businesses” and for “non-services business” the “lesser of 20% of QBI or 50% of wages paid to employees” is fully phased in.
What Reduces "Total Taxable Income"?
There are four main tools that business owners can use to reduce their total taxable income:
Standard Deduction or Itemized Deductions
Self-Employment Tax
Retirement Plan Contributions
Timing Expenses
Standard & Itemized Deductions
Since tax reform eliminated many of the popular tax deductions that business owners have traditionally used to reduce their taxable income, for the first time in 2018, a larger percentage of business owners will elect taking the standard deduction instead of itemizing. You do not need to itemize to capture the 20% deduction for your qualified business income. This will allow business owners to take the higher standard deduction and still capture the 20% deduction on their pass-through income. Whether you take the standard deduction or continue to itemize, those deductions will reduce your taxable income for purposes of the QBI income thresholds.
Example: You are a business owner, you are married, and your only source of income is $335,000 from your single member LLC. At first look, it would seem that your total income is above the $315,000 threshold and you are subject to the phase out calculation. However, if you elect the standard deduction for a married couple filing joint, that will reduce your $335,000 in gross income by the $24,000 standard deduction which brings your total taxable income down to $311,000. Landing you below the threshold and making you eligible for the full 20% deduction on your qualified business income.
The point of this exercise is for business owners to understand that if your gross income is close to the beginning of the phase out threshold, somewhere within the phase out range, or even above the phase out range, there may be some relief in the form of the standard deduction or your itemized deductions.
Self-Employment Tax
Depending on how your business is incorporated, you may be able to deduct half of the self-employment tax that you pay on your pass-through income. Sole proprietors, LLCs, and partnership would be eligible for this deduction. Owners of S-corps receive W2 wages to satisfy the reasonable compensation requirement and receive pass-through income that is not subject to self-employment tax. So this deduction is not available for S-corps.
The self-employment tax deduction is an “above the line” deduction which means that you do not need to itemize to capture the deduction. The deduction is listed on the first page of your 1040 and it reduces your AGI.
Example: You are a partner at a law firm, not married, the entity is taxed as a partnership, and your gross income is $200,000. Like the previous example, it looks like your income is way over the $157,500 threshold for a single tax filer. But you have yet to factor in your tax deductions. For simplicity, let’s assume you take the standard deduction:
Total Pass-Through Income: $200,000
Less Standard Deduction: ($12,000)
Less 50% Self-Employ Tax: ($15,000) $200,000 x 7.5% = $15,000
Total Taxable Income: $173,000
While you total taxable income did not get you below the $157,500 threshold, you are now only mid-way through the phase out range so you will capture a portion of the 20% deduction on your pass-through income.
Retirement Plans – "The Golden Goose"
Retirement plans will be the undisputed Golden Goose for purposes of reducing your taxable income for purposes of the qualified business income deduction. Take the example that we just went through with the attorney in the previous section. Now, let’s assume that same attorney maxes out their pre-tax employee deferrals in the company’s 401(k) plan. The limit in 2018 for employees under the age of 50 is $18,500.
Total Pass-Through Income: $200,000
Less Standard Deduction: ($12,000)
Less 50% Self-Employ Tax: ($15,000)
Pre-Tax 401(k) Contribution: ($18,500)
Total Taxable Income: $154,500
Jackpot!! That attorney has now reduced their taxable income below the $157,500 QBI threshold and they will be eligible to take the full 20% deduction against their pass-through income.
Retirement plan contributions are going to be looked at in a new light starting in 2018. Not only are you reducing your tax liability by shelter your income from taxation but now, under the new rules, you are simultaneously increasing your QBI deduction amount.
When tax reform was in the making there were rumors that Congress may drastically reduce the contribution limits to retirement plans. Thankfully this did not happen. Long live the goose!!
Start Planning Now
Knowing that this Golden Goose exists, business owners will need to ask themselves the following questions:
How much should I plan on contributing to my retirement accounts this year?
Is the company sponsoring the right type of retirement plan?
Should we be making changes to the plan design of our 401(k) plan?
How much will the employer contribution amount to the employees increase if we try to max out the pre-tax contributions for the owners?
Business owners are going to need to engage investment firms and TPA firms that specialize in employer sponsored retirement plan. Up until now, sponsoring a Simple IRA, SEP IRA, or 401(K), as a way to defer some income from taxation has worked but tax reform will require a deeper dive into your retirement plan. The golden question:
“Is the type of retirement plan that I’m currently sponsoring through my company the right plan that will allow me to maximize my tax deductions under the new tax laws taking into account contribution limits, admin fees, and employer contributions to the employees.”
If you are not familiar with all of the different retirement plans that are available for small businesses, please read our article “Comparing Different Types Of Employer Sponsored Plans”.
DB / DC Combo Plans Take Center Stage
While DB/DC Combo plans have been around for a number of years, you will start to hear more about them beginning in 2018. A DB/DC Combo plan is a combination of a Defined Benefit Plan (Pension Plan) and a Defined Contribution Plan (401k Plan). While pension plans are usually only associated with state and government employers or large companies, small companies are eligible to sponsor pension plans as well. Why is this important? These plans will allow small business owners that have total taxable income well over the QBI thresholds to still qualify for the 20% deduction.
While defined contribution plans limit an owner’s aggregate pre-tax contribution to $55,000 per year in 2018 ($61,000 for owners age 50+), DB/DC Combo plans allow business owners to make annual pre-tax contributions ranging from $60,000 – $300,000 per year. Yes, per year!!
Example: A married business owner makes $600,000 per year and has less than 5 full time employees. Depending on their age, that business owner may be able to implement a DB/DC Combo plan prior to December 31, 2018, make a pre-tax contribution to the plan of $300,000, and reduce their total taxable income below the $315,000 QBI threshold.
Key items to make these plans work:
You need to have the cash to make the larger contributions each year
These DB/DC plan needs to stay in existence for at least 3 years
This plan design usually works for smaller employers (less than 10 employees)
Shelter Your Spouse's W-2 Income
It's not uncommon for a business owner to have a spouse that earns W-2 wages from employment outside of the family business. Remember, the QBI thresholds are based on total taxable income on the joint tax return. If you think you are going to be close to the phase out threshold, you may want to encourage your spouse to start putting as much as they possibly can pre-tax into their employer's retirement plan. Unlike self-employment income, W-2 income is what it is. Whatever the number is on the W-2 form at the end of the year is what you have to report as income. By contrast, business owners can increase expenses in a given year, delay bonuses into the next tax year, and deploy other income/expense maneuvers to play with the amount of taxable income that they are showing for a given tax year.
Timing Expenses
One of the last tools that small business owners can use to reduce their taxable income is escalating expense. Now, it would be foolish for businesses to just start spending money for the sole purpose of reducing income. However, if you are a dental practice and you were planning on purchasing some new equipment in 2018 and purchasing a software system in 2019, depending on where your total taxable income falls, you may have a tax incentive to purchase both the equipment and the software system all in 2018. As you get toward the end of the tax year, it might be worth making that extra call to your accountant, before spending money on those big ticket items. The timing of those purchases could have big impact on your QBI deduction amount.
Disclosure: The information in this article is for educational purposes. For tax advice, please consult your tax advisor.
About Michael.........
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
The Procedures For Splitting Retirement Accounts In A Divorce
If you are going through a divorce and you or your spouse have retirement accounts, the processes for splitting the retirement accounts will vary depending on what type of retirement accounts are involved.
If you are going through a divorce and you or your spouse have retirement accounts, the processes for splitting the retirement accounts will vary depending on what type of retirement accounts are involved.
401(k) & 403(b) Plan
The first category of retirement plans are called ?employer sponsored qualified plans?. This category includes 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, 457 plans, and profit sharing plans. Once you and your spouse have agreed upon the split amount of the retirement plans, one of the attorneys will draft Domestic Relations Order, otherwise known as a QDRO. This document provides instruction to the plans TPA (third party administrator) as to how and when to split the retirement assets between the ex-spouses. Here is the procedures from start to finish:
One attorney drafts the Domestic Relations Order (?DRO?)
The attorney for the other spouse reviews and approved the DRO
The spouse covered by the retirement plan submits it to the TPA for review
The TPA will review the document and respond with changes that need to be made (if any)
Attorneys submit the DRO to the judge for signing
Once the judge has signed the DRO, its now considered a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
The spouse covered by the retirement plan submits the QDRO to the plans TPA for processing
The TPA splits the retirement account and will often issues distribution forms to the ex-spouse not covered by the plan detailing the distribution options
Step number four is very important. Before the DRO is submitting to the judge for signing, make sure that the TPA, that oversees the plan being split, has had a chance to review the document. Each plan is different and some plans require unique language to be included in the DRO before the retirement account can be split. If the attorneys skip this step, we have seen cases where they go through the entire process, pay the court fees to have the judge sign the QDRO, they submit the QDRO for processing with the TPA, and then the TPA firm rejects the QDRO because it is missing information. The process has to start all over again, wasting time and money.
Pension Plans
Like employer sponsored retirement plans, pension plans are split through the drafting of a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO). However, unlike 401(k) and 403(b) plans that usually provide the ex-spouse with distribution options as soon as the QDRO is processed, with pension plans the benefit is typically delayed until the spouse covered by the plan is eligible to begin receiving pension payments. A word of caution, pension plans are tricky. There are a lot more issues to address in a QDRO document compared to a 401(k) plan. 401(k) plans are easy. With a 401(k) plan you have a current balance that can be split immediately. Pension plan are a promise to pay a future benefit and a lot can happen between now and the age that the covered spouse begins to collect pension payments. Pension plans can terminate, be frozen, employers can go bankrupt, or the spouse covered by the retirement plan can continue to work past the retirement date.
I would like to specifically address the final option in the paragraph above. In pension plans, typically the ex-spouse is not entitled to a benefit until the spouse covered by the pension plan is eligible to receive benefits. While the pension plan may state that the employee can retire at 65 and start collecting their pension, that does not mean that they will with 100% certainty. We have seen cases where the ex-husband could have retired at age 65 and started collecting his pension benefit but just to prevent his ex-wife from collecting on his benefit decided to delay retirement which in turn delayed the pension payments to his ex-wife. The ex-wife had included those pension payments in her retirement planning but had to keep working because the ex-husband delayed the benefit. Attorneys will often put language in a QDRO that state that whether the employee retires or not, at a given age, the ex-spouse is entitled to turn on her portion of the pension benefit. The attorneys have to work closely with the TPA of the pension plan to make sure the language in the QDRO is exactly what it need to be to reserve that benefit for the ex-spouse.
IRA (Individual Retirement Accounts)
IRA? are usually the easiest of the three categories to split because they do not require a Qualified Domestic Relations Order to separate the accounts. However, each IRA provider may have different documentation requirements to split the IRA accounts. The account owner should reach out to their investment advisor or the custodian of their IRA accounts to determine what documents are needed to split the account. Sometimes it is as easy as a letter of instruction signed by the owner of the IRA detailing the amount of the split and a copy of the signed divorce agreement. While these accounts are easier to split, make sure the procedures set forth by the IRA custodians are followed otherwise it could result in adverse tax consequences and/or early withdrawal penalties.
About Michael??...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
M&A Activity: Make Sure You Address The Seller’s 401(k) Plan
Buying a company is an exciting experience. However, many companies during a merger or acquisition fail to address the issues surrounding the seller’s retirement plan which can come back to haunt the buyer in a big way. I completely understand why this happens. Purchase price, valuations, tax issues, terms, holdbacks, and new employment
Buying a company is an exciting experience. However, many companies during a merger or acquisition fail to address the issues surrounding the seller’s retirement plan which can come back to haunt the buyer in a big way. I completely understand why this happens. Purchase price, valuations, tax issues, terms, holdbacks, and new employment agreements tend to dominate the conversations throughout the business transaction. But lurking in the dark, below these main areas of focus, lives the seller’s 401(k) plan. Welcome to the land of unintended consequences where unexpected liabilities, big dollar outlays, and transition issues live.
Asset Sale or Stock Sale
Whether the transaction is a stock sale or asset sale will greatly influence the series of decisions that the buyer will need to make regarding the seller’s 401(k) plan. In an asset sale, it is common that employees of the seller’s company are terminated from employment and subsequently “rehired” by the buyer’s company. With asset sales, as part of the purchase agreement, the seller will often times be required to terminate their retirement plan prior to the closing date.
Terminating the seller’s plan prior to the closing date has a few advantages from both the buyer’s standpoint and from the standpoint of the seller’s employees. Here are the advantages for the buyer:
Advantage 1: The Seller Is Responsible For Terminating Their Plan
From the buyer’s standpoint, it’s much easier and cost effective to have the seller terminate their own plan. The seller is the point of contact at the third party administration firm, they are listed as the trustee, they are the signer for the final 5500, and they typically have a good personal relationship with their service providers. Once the transaction is complete, it can be a headache for the buyer to track down the authorized signers on the seller’s plan to get all of the contact information changed over and allows the buyer’s firm to file the final 5500.
The seller’s “good relationship” with their service providers is key. The seller has to call these companies and let them know that they are losing the plan since the plan is terminating. There are a lot of steps that need to be completed by those 401(k) service providers after the closing date of the transaction. If they are dealing with the seller, their “client”, they may be more helpful and accommodating in working through the termination process even though they losing the business. If they get a random call for the “new contact” for the plan, you risk getting put at the bottom of the pile
Part of the termination process involves getting all of the participant balances out of the plan. This includes terminated employees of the seller’s company that may be difficult for the buyer to get in contact with. It’s typically easier for the seller to coordinate the distribution efforts for the terminated plan.
Advantage 2: The Buyer Does Not Inherit Liability Issues From The Seller’s Plan
This is typically the main reason why the buyer will require the seller to terminate their plan prior to the closing date. Employer sponsored retirement plans have a lot of moving parts. If you take over a seller’s 401(k) plan to make the transition “easier”, you run the risk of inheriting all of the compliance issues associated with their plan. Maybe they forgot to file a 5500 a few years ago, maybe their TPA made a mistake on their year-end testing last year, or maybe they neglected to issues a required notice to their employees knowing that they were going to be selling the company that year. By having the seller terminate their plan prior to the closing date, the buyer can better protect themselves from unexpected liabilities that could arise down the road from the seller’s 401(k) plan.
Now, let’s transition the conversation over to the advantages for the seller’s employees.
Advantage 1: Distribution Options
A common goal of the successor company is to make the transition for the seller’s employees as positive as possible right out of the gate. Remember this rule: “People like options”. Having the seller terminate their retirement plan prior to the closing date of the transactions gives their employees some options. A plan termination is a “distributable event” meaning the employees have control over what they would like to do with their balance in the seller’s 401(k) plan. This is also true for the employees that are “rehired” by the buyer. The employees have the option to:
Rollover their 401(k) balance in the buyer’s plan (if eligible)
Rollover their 401(k) balance into a rollover IRA
Take a cash distribution
Some combination of options 1, 2, and 3
The employees retain the power of choice.
If instead of terminating the seller’s plan, what happens if the buyer decides to “merge” the seller’s plan in their 401(k) plan? With plan mergers, the employees lose all of the distribution options listed above. Since there was not a plan termination, the employees are forced to move their balances into the buyer’s plan.
Advantage 2: Credit For Service With The Seller’s Company
In many acquisitions, again to keep the new employees happy, the buyer will allow the incoming employee to use their years of service with the seller’s company toward the eligibility requirements in the buyer’s plan. This prevents the seller’s employees from coming in and having to satisfy the plan’s eligibility requirements as if they were a new employee without any prior service. If the plan is terminated prior to the closing date of the transaction, the buyer can allow this by making an amendment to their 401(k) plan.
If the plan terminates after the closing date of the transaction, the plan technically belonged to the buyer when the plan terminated. There is an ERISA rule, called the “successor plan rule”, that states when an employee is covered by a 401(k) plan and the plan terminates, that employee cannot be covered by another 401(k) plan sponsored by the same employer for a period of 12 months following the date of the plan termination. If it was the buyer’s intent to allow the seller’s employees to use their years of service with the selling company for purposes of satisfy the eligibility requirement in the buyer’s plan, you now have a big issue. Those employees are excluded from participating in the buyer’s plan for a year. This situation can be a speed bump for building rapport with the seller’s employees.
Loan Issue
If a company allows 401(k) loans and the plan terminates, it puts the employee in a very bad situation. If the employee is unable to come up with the cash to payoff their outstanding loan balance in full, they get taxed and possibly penalized on their outstanding loan balance in the plan.
Example: Jill takes a $30,000 loan from her 401(k) plan in May 2017. In August 2017, her company Tough Love Inc., announces that it has sold the company to a private equity firm and it will be immediately terminating the plan. Jill is 40 years old and has a $28,000 outstanding loan balance in the plan. When the plan terminates, the loan will be processed as an early distribution, not eligible for rollover, and she will have to pay income tax and the 10% early withdrawal penalty on the $28,000 outstanding loan balance. Ouch!!!
From the seller’s standpoint, to soften the tax hit, we have seen companies provide employees with a severance package or final bonus to offset some of the tax hit from the loan distribution.
From the buyer’s standpoint, you can amend the plan to allow employees of the seller’s company to rollover their outstanding 401(k) loan balance into your plan. While this seems like a great option, proceed with extreme caution. These “loan rollovers” get complicated very quickly. There is usually a window of time where the employee’s money is moving over from seller’s 401(k) plan over to the buyer’s 401(k) plan, and during that time period a loan payment may be missed. This now becomes a compliance issue for the buyer’s plan because you have to work with the employee to make up those missed loan payments. Otherwise the loan could go into default.
Example, Jill has her outstanding loan and the buyer amends the plan to allow the direct rollover of outstanding loan balances in the seller’s plan. Payroll stopped from the seller’s company in August, so no loan payments have been made, but the seller’s 401(k) provider did not process the direct rollover until December. When the loan balance rolls over, if the loan is not “current” as of the quarter end, the buyer’s plan will need to default her loan.
Our advice, handle this outstanding 401(k) loan issue with care. It can have a large negative impact on the employees. If an employee owes $10,000 to the IRS in taxes and penalties due to a forced loan distribution, they may bring that stress to work with them.
Stock Sale
In a stock sale, the employees do not terminate and then get rehired like in an asset sale. It’s a “transfer of ownership” as opposed to “a sale followed by a purchase”. In an asset sale, employees go to sleep one night employed by Company A and then wake up the next morning employed by Company B. In a stock sale, employees go to sleep employed by Company A, they wake up in the morning still employed by Company A, but ownership of Company A has been transferred to someone else.
With a stock sale, the seller’s plan typically merges into the buyer’s plan, assuming there is enough ownership to make them a “controlled group”. If there are multiple buyers, the buyers should consult with the TPA of their retirement plans or an ERISA attorney to determine if a controlled group will exist after the transaction is completed. If there is not enough common ownership to constitute a “controlled group”, the buyer can decide whether to continue to maintain the seller’s 401(k) plan as a standalone plan or create a multiple employer plan. The basic definition of a “controlled group” is an entity or group of individuals that own 80% or more of another company.
Stock Sales: Do Your Due Diligence!!!
In a stock sale, since the buyer will either be merging the seller’s plan into their own or continuing to maintain the seller’s plan as a standalone, you are inheriting any and all compliance issues associated with that plan. The seller’s issues become the buyer’s issues the day of the closing. The buyer should have an ERISA attorney that performs a detailed information request and due diligence on the seller’s 401(k) plan prior the closing date.
Seller Uses A PEO
Last issue. If the selling company uses a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) for their 401(k) services and the transaction is going to be a stock sale, make sure you get all of the information that you need to complete a mid-year valuation or the merged 5500 for the year PRIOR to the closing date. We have found that it’s very difficult to get information from PEO firms after the acquisition has been completed.
The Transition Rule
There is some relief provided by ERISA for mergers and acquisitions. If a control group exists, you have until the end of the year following the year of the acquisition to test the plans together. This is called the “transition rule”. However, if the buyer makes “significant” changes to the seller’s plan during the transition period, that may void the ability to delay combined testing. Unfortunately, there is not clear guidance as to what is considered a “significant change” so the buyer should consult with their TPA firm or ERISA attorney before making any changes to their own plan or the seller’s plan that could impact the rights, benefits, or features available to the plan participants.
Horror Stories
There are so many real life horror stories out there involving companies that go through the acquisition process without conducting the proper due diligence and transition planning with regard to the seller’s retirement plan. It never ends well!! As the buyer, it’s worth the time and the money to make sure your team of advisors have adequately addressed any issues surrounding the seller’s retirement plan prior to the closing date.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.