401(k) Plans

We are proud to be the force of change in the 401(k) industry. Before building our solution we asked companies to tell us all about what they liked and didn’t like about their current 401(k) platform. The most common answers were:

"The fees are too high"

“Headaches with administration”

“No plan design guidance”

“Little to no employee education”

“Poor investment returns”

“Lack of fiduciary support”

In response to this feedback we built a 401(k) solution that address all of these shortfalls in the 401(k) market. We also hired a team of advisors that specialize in employer sponsored retirement plans to make sure we could deliver our promises to our 401(k) clients. Our solution is built upon 5 pillars:

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While our 401(k) solution has grown rapidly in upstate New York, we also developed a virtual platform that would allow us to deliver our 401(k) solution to companies all over the United States. We now have the ability to offer our low cost / easy to access 401(k) solution to companies located anywhere in the country.


Welcome to Virtual 401(k)

For companies located outside of the Capital Region, we designed a virtual 401(k) platform that provides our clients with:

  • Low Fees
  • No Call Centers
  • Employee Education
  • Flexible Investment Menu
  • Headache Free Transition Process
  • Participant Level Advice
  • Pro‐active Plan Design
  • 3(21) Fiduciary Services

Contact Us For A Complimentary Consultation


We will provide you with a side by side comparison of your current 401(k) plan compared to our 401(k) solution. No sales tactics, no pressure. We will deliver the comparison to you via email and you have the option to reach out to us if you would like to review the results in more detail.

Type of Retirement Plans