New Age 60 – 63 401(k) Enhanced Catch-up Contribution Starting in 2025
Good news for 401(k) and 403(b) plan participants turning age 60 – 63 starting in 2025: there is now an enhanced employee catch-up contribution thanks to Secure Act 2.0 that passed back in 2022. For 2025, the employee contributions limits are as follows: Employee Deferral Limit $23,500, Age 50+ Catch-up Limit $7,500, and the New Age 60 – 63 Catch-up: $3,750.
Good news for 401(k) and 403(b) plan participants turning age 60 – 63 starting in 2025: there is now an enhanced employee catch-up contribution thanks to Secure Act 2.0 that passed back in 2022. For 2025, the employee contributions limits are as follows:
Employee Deferral Limit: $23,500
Age 50+ Catch-up: $7,500
New Age 60 – 63 Catch-up: $3,750
401K Age 60 – 63 Catch-up Contribution
Under the old rules, in 2025, a 401(k) plan participant age 60 – 63 would have been limited to the employee deferral limit of $23,500 plus the age 50+ catch-up of $7,500 for a total employee contribution of $31,000.
However, thanks to the passing of the Secure Act in 2022, an additional catch-up contribution will be introduced to employer-sponsored qualified retirement plans, only available to employees age 60 – 63, equal to “50% of the regular catch-up contribution for that plan year”. In 2025, the catch-up contribution is $7,500, making the additional catch-up contribution for employees age 60 – 63 $3,750 ($7,500 x 50%). Thus, a plan participant age 60 – 63 would be able to contribute the regular employee deferral limit of $23,500, plus the normal age 50+ catch-up of $7,500, PLUS the new age 60 – 63 catch-up contribution of $3,750, for a total employee contribution of $34,750 in 2025.
Age 64 – Revert Back To Normal 401(k) Catch-up Limit
This is a very odd way to assess a special catch-up contribution because it is ONLY available to employees between the ages of 60 and 63. In the year the 401(k) plan participant obtains age 64, the new additional age 60 – 63 contribution is completely eliminated. Here is a quick list of the contribution limits for 2025 based on an employee’s age:
Under Age 50: $23,500
Age 50 – 59: $31,000
Age 60 – 63: $34,750
Age 64+: $31,000
The Year The Employee OBTAINS Age 60 – 63
The employee just has to OBTAIN age 60 – 63 during that year to be eligible for the enhanced catch-up contribution. The enhanced catch-up contribution is not pro-rated based on WHEN the employee turns age 60. For example, if an employee turns 60 on December 31st, they are eligible to make the full $3,750 additional catch-up contribution for the year.
By that same token, if the employee turns age 64 by December 31st, they are no longer allowed to make the new enhanced catch-up contribution for that year.
Optional Provision At The Plan Level
The new 60 – 63 enhanced catch-up contribution is an OPTIONAL provision for qualified retirement plans, meaning some employers may allow this new enhanced catch-up contribution while others may not. If no action is taken by the employer sponsoring the plan, be default, the new age 60 – 63 catch-up contributions starting in 2025 will be allowed.
If an employer prefers to opt out of allowing employees ages 60 – 63 from making this new enhanced catch-up contribution, they will need to contact their TPA firm (third-party administrator) as soon as possible to amend their plan to disallow this new type of employee contributions starting in 2025.
Contact Payroll Company
Since this a brand new 401(k) employee contribution starting in 2025, we strongly recommend that plan sponsors reach out to their payroll company to make sure they are aware that your plan will either ALLOW or NOT ALLOW this new age 60 – 63 catch-up contribution, so the payroll system doesn’t incorrectly cap employees age 60 – 63 from making the additional catch-up contribution.
Formula: 50% of Normal Catch-up Contribution
For future years, the formula for this age 60 – 63 enhanced catch-up contribution is 50% of the regular catch-up contribution limit. The IRS usually announces the updated 401(k) contribution limits in either October or November of each year for the following calendar year. For example, if the IRS announces that the new catch-up limit in 2026 is $8,000, the enhanced age 60 – 63 catch-up contribution would be $4,000 over the regular $8,000 catch-up limit.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
Starting in 2024, 401(k) Plan Will Be Required to Cover Part-time Employees
In the past, companies have been allowed to limit access to their 401(k) plan to just full-time employees but that is about to change starting in 2024. With the passing of the Secure Act, beginning in 2024, companies that sponsor 401(K) plans will be required to allow part-time employees to participate in their qualified retirement plans.
In the past, companies have been allowed to limit access to their 401(k) plan to just full-time employees but that is about to change starting in 2024. With the passing of the Secure Act, beginning in 2024, companies that sponsor 401(K) plans will be required to allow part-time employees to participate in their qualified retirement plans.
It’s very important for companies to make note of this now because many companies will need to start going through their employee census data to identify the part-time employees that will become eligible for the 401(K) plan on January 1, 2024. Failure to properly notify these part-time employees of their eligibility to participate in the plan could result in plan compliance failures, DOL penalties, and it could require the company to make a mandatory employer contribution to those employees for the missed deferral opportunity.
Full-time Employee Restriction
Prior to the passing of the Secure Act 1.0 in December 2019, 401(K) plans were allowed to limit participation in plans to employees that had completed 1 year of service which is commonly defined as 12 months of employment AND 1,000 hours worked within that 12-month period. The 1 year wait with the 1,000 hours requirement allowed companies to keep part-time employees who work less than 1,000 hours from participating in the company’s 401(k) plan.
Secure Act 1.0
When Congress passed Secure Act 1.0 in December 2019, it included a new provision that requires 401(K) plans to cover part-time employees who have completed three consecutive years of service and worked 500 or more hours during each of those years to participate in the plan starting in 2024. For purposes of the 3 consecutive years and 500 hours requirement, companies are only required to track employee service back to January 1, 2021, any services prior to that date, can be disregarded for purposes of this new part-time employee coverage requirement.
Example: John works for Company ABC which sponsors a 401(k) plan. The plan restricts eligibility to 1 year and 1,000 hours. John has been working part-time for Company ABC since March 2020 and he worked the following hours in 2021, 2022, and 2023:
2021 Hours Worked: 560
2022 Hours Worked: 791
2023 Hours Worked: 625
Since John had never worked more than 1,000 hours in a 12-month period, he was never eligible to participate in the ABC 401(k) plan. However, under the new Secure Act 1.0 rules, ABC would be required to allow John to participate in the plan starting January 1, 2024, because he works for three consecutive years with more than 500 hours.
Excluded Employees
The new part-time employee coverage requirement does not apply to employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement or nonresident aliens. 401(K) plans are still allowed to exclude those employees regardless of hours worked.
Employee Deferrals Only
For the part-time employees that meet the 3 consecutive years and 500+ hours of service each year, while the new rules require them to be offered the opportunity to participate in the 401(k) plan, it only requires plans to make them eligible to participate in the employee deferral portion of the plan. It does not require them to be eligible for EMPLOYER contributions. For part-time employees who become eligible to participate under these new rules, they are allowed to put their own money into the plan, but the company is not required to provide them with an employer matching, employer non-elective, profit sharing, or safe harbor contributions until that employee has met the plan’s full eligibility requirements.
In the example we looked at previously with John, John would be allowed to voluntarily make employee contributions from his paycheck but if the company sponsors an employer matching contribution that requires employees to work 1 year and 1,000 hours to be eligible, John would not be eligible to receive the employer matching contribution even though he is eligible to make employee contributions to the plan.
Secure Act 2.0
Up until now, we have covered the new part-time employee coverage requirements under Secure Act 1.0. However, in December 2022, Congress passed Secure Act 2.0, which changed the part-time employee coverage requirements beginning January 1, 2025. The main change that Secure Act 2.0 made is it reduced the 3 Consecutive Years down to 2 Consecutive Years starting in 2025. Both still require 500 or more hours each year but now a part-time employee will only need to complete 2 consecutive years of 500 or more hours instead of 3 beginning in 2025.
Also in 2025, under Secure Act 2.0, for purposes of assessing the 2 consecutive years with 500 or more hours, companies only have to look at service dating back to January 1, 2023, employment before that date is excluded from this part-time employee coverage exception.
2024 & 2025 Summary
Starting in 2024, employers will need to look back as far as January 1, 2021, and identify part-time employees who worked at least 3 consecutive years with 500 or more hours worked in each of those three years.
Starting in 2025, employers will need to look at both definitions of part-time employees. The Secure Act 1.0, three consecutive years of 500 hours or more going back to January 1, 2021, and separately, the Secure Act 2.0, 2 consecutive years of 500 hours or more going back to January 1, 2023. An employee could technically become eligible under either definition.
Penalties For Not Notifying Part-time Employees of Eligibility
Companies should take this new part-time employee eligibility rule very seriously. Failure to properly notify part-time employees of their eligibility to make employee deferrals to the 401(K) plan could result in a plan compliance failure and the assessment of Department of Labor penalties. The DOL conducts random audits of 401(K) plans and one of the primary pieces of information that they typically request during an audit is for the employer to provide a full employee census file and be able to prove that they properly notified each eligible employee of their ability to participate in the company’s 401(K) plan.
In addition to fines for not properly notifying these new part-time employees of their ability to participate in the plan, the DOL could require the company to make a “QNEC” (Qualified Non-Elective Contribution) on behalf of those part-time employees which is a pure EMPLOYER contribution. Even though these part-time employees might not be eligible for other employer contributions in the plan, this QNEC funded by the employer is to make up for the missed employee deferral opportunity. The DOL is basically saying that since the company did not properly notify the employee of their ability to make contributions out of their paycheck, now the company has to fund those contributions on their behalf. They could assign the QNEC amount equal to the average percentage of compensation amount deferred by the rest of the employees covered by the plan which could be a very costly mistake for an employer.
Why The Rule Change?
There are two primary drivers that led to the adoption of this new 401(k) part-time employee coverage requirement. First, acknowledging a change in the U.S. labor force, where instead of employees working one full-time job, more employees are working multiple part-time jobs. By working multiple part-time jobs with different employers, while that employee may work more than 1000 hours a year, they may never become eligible to participate in any of their employer’s 401(K) plans because they were not considered full-time with any single employer.
This brings us to the second driver of this new rule, which is increasing access for more employees to an employer-based retirement-saving solution. Given the increase in life expectancy, there is a retirement savings shortfall issue within the U.S., and giving employees easier access to employer-based solutions may encourage more employees to save more for retirement.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
Fewer 401(k) Plans Will Require A 5500 Audit Starting in 2023
401(K) plans with over 100 eligible plan participants are considered “large plans” in the eyes of DOL and require an audit to be completed each year with the filing of their 5500. These audits can be costly, often ranging from $8,000 - $30,000 per year.
Starting in 2023, there is very good news for an estimated 20,000 401(k) plans that were previously subject to the 5500 audit requirement. Due to a recent change in the way that the DOL counts the number of plan participants for purposes of assessing a large plan filer status, many plans that were previously subject to a 401(k) audit, will no longer require a 5500 audit for plan year 2023 and beyond.
401(K) plans with over 100 eligible plan participants are considered “large plans” in the eyes of DOL and require an audit to be completed each year with the filing of their 5500. These audits can be costly, often ranging from $8,000 - $30,000 per year.
Starting in 2023, there is very good news for an estimated 20,000 401(k) plans that were previously subject to the 5500 audit requirement. Due to a recent change in the way that the DOL counts the number of plan participants for purposes of assessing a large plan filer status, many plans that were previously subject to a 401(k) audit, will no longer require a 5500 audit for plan year 2023 and beyond.
401(K) 5500 Audit Requirement
A little background first on the audit rule: if a company sponsors a 401K plan and they have 100 or more participants at the beginning of the year, that plan is now considered a “large plan”, and the plan is required to submit an audit report with their annual 5500 filings.
For plans that are just above the 100 plan participant threshold, the DOL provides some relief in the “80 – 120 rule”, which basically states that if the plan was a “small plan” filer in the previous year, the plan can remain a small plan filer until the plan participant count reaches 121.
Old Plan Participant Count Method
Not all employees count toward the 100 or 121 audit threshold. Under the old rules, the company only had to count employees who were:
Eligible to participate in the plan; and
Terminated employees with a balance still in the plan
But under the older rules, ALL plan-eligible employees had to be counted whether or not they had a balance in the plan. For example, if a landscaping company had:
150 employees
95 employees are eligible to participate in the plan
Of the 95 eligible employees, 27 employees have balances in the 401(K) plan
35 terminated employees with a balance still in the plan
Under the 2022 audit rules, this plan would be subject to the 5500 audit requirement because they had 95 eligible plan participants PLUS 35 terminated employees with balances, bringing the plan participant audit count to 130, making them a “large plan” filer. A local accounting firm might charge $10,000 for the plan audit each year.
New Plan Participant Count Method
Starting in 2023, the way that the DOL counts plan participants to determine “large plan” filer status changed. Now, instead of counting all eligible plan participants whether or not they have a balance in the plan, starting in 2023, the DOL will only count:
Eligible employees that HAVE A BALANCE in the plan
Terminated employees with balances still in the plan
Looking at the same landscaping company in the previous example:
150 employees
95 employees are eligible to participate in the plan
Of the 95 eligible employees, 27 employees have balances in the 401(K) plan
35 terminated employees still have balances in the plan
Under the new DOL rules, this 401(K) plan would no longer require a 5500 audit because they only have to count the 27 eligible employees WITH BALANCES in the plan and the 35 terminated employees with balances, bringing the total employee audit count to 62. The plan would be allowed to file as a “small plan” starting in 2023 and would no longer have to incur the $10,000 cost for the 5500 audit each year.
20,000 Fewer 401(k) Plans Requiring An Audit
The DOL expects this change to eliminate the 5500 audit required for approximately 20,000 401(k) plans. The primary purpose of this change is to encourage more companies that do not already offer a 401(k) plan to their employees to adopt one and to lower the annual cost for many companies that would otherwise be subject to a 5500 audit requirement.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
3 New Startup 401(k) Tax Credits
When Congress passed the Secure Act 2.0 in December 2022, they introduced new tax credits and enhanced old tax credits for startup 401(k) plans for plan years 2023 and beyond. There are now 3 different tax credits that are available, all in the same year, for startup 401(k) plans that now only help companies to subsidize the cost of sponsoring a retirement plan but also to offset employer contributions made to the employee to enhance a company’s overall benefits package.
When Congress passed the Secure Act 2.0 in December 2022, they introduced new tax credits and enhanced old tax credits for startup 401(k) plans. There are now 3 different tax credits that are available for startup 401(k) plans that were put into place to help companies to subsidize the cost of sponsoring a retirement plan and also to subsidize employer contributions made to the employees to enhance the company’s overall benefits package. Here are the 3 startup 401(k) credits that are now available to employers:
Startup Tax Credit (Plan Cost Credit)
Employer Contribution Tax Credit
Automatic Enrollment Tax Credit
Startup Tax Credit
To incentivize companies to adopt an employer-sponsored retirement plan for their employees, Secure Act 2.0 enhanced the startup tax credits available to employers starting in 2023. This tax credit was put into place to help businesses offset the cost of establishing and maintaining a retirement plan for their employees for the first 3 years of the plan’s existence. Under the new Secure 2.0 credit, certain businesses will be eligible to receive a tax credit for up to 100% of the annual plan costs.
A company must meet the following requirement to be eligible to capture this startup tax credit:
The company may have no more than 100 employees who received compensation of $5,000 or more in the PRECEDING year; and
The company did not offer a retirement plan covering substantially the same employees during the PREVIOUS 3 YEARS.
The plan covers at least one non-HCE (non-Highly Compensated Employee or NHCE)
To identify if you have a NHCE, you have to look at LAST YEAR’s compensation and both this year’s and last year’s ownership percentage. For the 2023 plan year, a NHCE is any employee that:
Does NOT own more than 5% of the company; and
Had less than $135,000 in compensation in 2022. For the compensation test, you look back at the previous year’s compensation to determine who is a HCE or NHCE in the current plan year. For 2023, you look at 2022 compensation. The IRS typically increases the compensation threshold each year for inflation.
A note here about “attribution rules”. The IRS is aware that small business owners have the ability to maneuver around ownership and compensation thresholds, so there are special attribution rules that are put into place to limit the “creativity” of small business owners. For example, ownership is shared or “attributed” between spouses, which means if you own 100% of the business, your spouse that works for the business, even though they are not an owner and only earn $30,000 in W2, they are considered a HCE because they are attributed your 100% ownership in the business.
Besides just attribution rules, employer-sponsored retirement plans also has control group rules, affiliated service group rules, and other fun rules that further limit creativity. Especially for individuals that are owners of multiple businesses, these special 401(k) rules can create obstacles when attempting to qualify for these tax credits. Bottom line, before blindly putting a retirement plan in place to qualify for these tax credits, make sure you talk to a professional within the 401(k) industry that understands all of these rules.
401(k) Startup Tax Credit Amount
Let’s assume your business qualifies for the 401(k) startup tax credit, what is the amount of the tax credit? Here are the details:
For companies with 50 employees or less: The credit covers 100% of the company’s plan costs up to an annual limit of the GREATER of $500 or $250 multiplied by the number of plan-eligible NHCE, up to a maximum credit of $5,000.
For companies with 51 to 100 employees: The credit covers 50% of the company’s plan costs up to an annual limit of the GREATER of $500 or $250 multiplied by the number of plan-eligible NHCE, up to a maximum credit of $5,000.
This is a federal tax credit that is available to eligible employers for the first 3 years that the new plan is in existence. If you have enough NHCE’s, you could technically qualify for $5,000 each year for the first 3 years that the retirement plan is in place.
A note on the definition of “plan-eligible NHCEs”. These are NHCEs that are also eligible to participate in your plan in the current plan year. NHCEs that are not eligible to participate because they have yet to meet the eligibility requirement, do not count toward the max credit calculation.
What Type of Plan Costs Qualify For The Credit?
Qualified costs include costs paid by the employer to:
Setup the Plan
Administer the Plan (TPA Fees)
Recordkeeping Fees
Investment Advisory Fees
Employee Education Fees
To be eligible for the credit, the costs must be paid by the employer directly to the service provider. Fees charged against the plan assets or included in the mutual fund expense ratios do not qualify for the credit. Since historically many startup plans use 401(k) platforms that utilize higher expense ratio mutual funds to help subsidize some of the out-of-pocket cost to the employer, these higher tax credits may change the platform approach for start-up plans because the employer and the employee may both be better off by utilizing a platform with low expense ratio mutual funds, and the employer pays the TPA, recordkeeping, and investment advisor fees directly in order to qualify for the credit.
Note: It’s not uncommon for the owners of the company to have larger balances in the plan compared to the employees, so they also benefit by not having the plan fee paid out of plan assets.
Startup Tax Credit Example
A company has 20 employees, 2 HCEs and 18 NHCEs, and all 20 employees are currently eligible to participate in the new 401(k) plan that the company just started in 2023. During 2023, the company paid $3,000 in total plan fees directly to the TPA firm, investment advisor, and recordkeeper of the plan. Here is the credit calculation:
18 Eligible NHCEs x $250 = $4,500
Total 401(k) Startup Credit for 2023 = $3,000
Even though this company would have been eligible for a $4,500 tax credit, the credit cannot exceed the total fees paid by the employer to the 401(k) service providers, and the total plan fees in this example were $3,000.
No Carry Forward
If the company incurs plan costs over and above the credit amount, the new tax law does not allow plan costs that exceed the maximum credit to be carried forward into future tax years.
Solo(k) Plans Are Not Eligible for Startup Tax Credit
Due to the owner-only nature of a Solo(K) plan, there would not be any NHCEs in a Solo(K) plan, so they would not be eligible for the startup tax credit.
401(k) Employer Contribution Tax Credit
This is a new tax credit starting in 2023 that will provide companies with a tax credit for all or a portion of the employer contribution that is made to the 401(k) plan for employees earning no more than $100,000 in compensation.
The eligible requirement for this employer contribution credit is similar to that of the startup tax credit with one difference:
The company may have no more than 100 employees who received compensation of $5,000 or more in the PRECEDING year; and
The company did not offer a retirement plan covering substantially the same employees during the PREVIOUS 5 YEARS.
The plan makes an employer contribution for at least one employee whose annual compensation is not above $100,000.
Employer Contribution Tax Credit Calculation
The maximum credit is assessed on a per-employee basis and for each employee is the LESSER of:
Actual employer contribution amount; or
$1,000 for each employee making $100,000 or less in FICA wages
$1,000 Per Employee Limit
The $1,000 limit is applied to each INDIVIDUAL employee’s employer contribution. It is NOT a blindfolded calculation of $1,000 multiped by each of your employees under $100,000 in comp regardless of the amount of their actual employer contribution.
For example, Company RTE has two employees making under $100,000 per year, Sue and Rick. Sue receives an employer contribution of $3,000 and Rick received an employer contribution of $400. The max employer contribution credit would be $1,400, $400 for Rick’s employer contribution, and $1,000 for Sue’s contribution since she would be subject to the $1,000 per employee cap.
S-Corp Owners
As mentioned above, the credit only applies to employees with less than $100,000 in annual compensation but what about S-corp owners? The only compensation that is taken into account for S-corp owners for purposes of retirement plan contributions is their W2 income. So what happens when an S-corp owner has W2 income of $80K but takes a $500,000 dividend from the S-corp? Good news for S-corp owners, the $100,000 comp threshold only looks at the plan compensation which for S-corp owners is just their W2 income, so an employer contribution for an S-corp would be eligible for this credit as long as their W2 is below $100,000 but they would still be subject to the $1,000 per employee cap.
5-Year Decreasing Scale
Unlike the startup tax credit that stays the same for the first 3 years of the plan’s existence, the Employer Contribution Tax Credit decreases after year 2 but lasts for 5 years instead of just 3 years. Similar to the startup tax credit, there is a deviation in the calculation depending on whether the company has more or less than 50 employees.
For companies that have 50 or fewer employees, the employer contribution tax credit phase-down schedule is as follows:
Year 1: 100%
Year 2: 100%
Year 3: 75%
Year 4: 50%
Year 5: 25%
50 or Less Employee Example
Company XYZ starts a new 401(k) plan for their employees in 2023 and offers a safe harbor employer matching contribution. The company has 20 eligible employees, 18 of the 20 are making less than $100,000 for the year in compensation, all 18 employees contribute to the plan and each employee is eligible for a $1,250 employer matching contribution.
Since the tax credit is capped at $1,000 per employee, that credit would be calculated as follows:
$1,000 x 18 Employees = $18,000
The total employer contribution for these 18 employees would be $1,250 x 18 = $22,250 but the company would be eligible to receive a tax credit in year 1 for $18,000 of the $22,250 that was contributed to the plan on behalf of these 18 employees in Year 1.
Note: If an employee only receives a $600 employer match, the tax credit for that employee is only $600. The $1,000 per employee cap only applies to employees that receive an employer contribution in excess of $1,000.
51 to 100 Employees
For companies with 51 – 100 employees, the employer contribution credit calculation is slightly more complex. Same 5 years phase-down schedule as the 1 – 50 employee companies but the amount of the credit is reduced by 2% for EACH employee over 50 employees. To determine the amount of the discount you multiply 2% by the number of employees that the company has over 50, and then subtract that amount from the full credit percentage that is available for that plan year.
For example, a new startup 401K has 80 employees, and they are in Year 1 of the 5-year discount schedule, the tax credit would be calculated as follows:
100% - (2% x 30 EEs) = 40%
So instead of receiving a 100% tax credit for the eligible employer contributions for the employees making under $100,000 in compensation, this company would only receive a 40% tax credit for those employer contributions.
Calculation Crossroads
There is a second step in this employer contribution tax credit calculation for companies with 51 – 100 that has the 401(K) industry at a crossroads and will most likely require guidance from the IRS on how to properly calculate the tax credit for these companies when applying the $1,000 per employee cap.
I’m seeing very reputable TPA firms (third-party administrators) run the second half of this calculation differently based on their interpretation of WHEN to apply the $1,000 per employee cap and it creates different results in the amount of tax credit awarded.
Calculation 1: Some firms are applying the $1,000 per employee cap to the employer contributions BEFORE the discounted tax credit percentage is applied.
Calculation 2: Other firms apply the $1,000 per employee cap AFTER the discounted tax credit is applied to each employee’s employer contribution for purposes of assessing the $1,000 cap per employee.
I’ll show you why this matters in a simple example just using 2 employees:
Sue and Peter both make under $100,000 in compensation and work for Company ABC which has 80 employees. Company ABC just implemented a 401(K) plan this year with an employer matching contribution, both Sue and Peter contribute to the plan, Sue is entitled to a $1,300 matching contribution and Peter is entitled to a $900 matching contribution.
Since the company has over 80 employees, the company is only entitled to a 40% credit for the eligible employer contribution:
100% - (2% x 30 EEs) = 40%
Calculation 1: If Company ABC applies the $1,000 per employee limit BEFORE applying the 40% credit, Sue’s contribution would be capped at $1,000 and Peter’s contribution would be $900, resulting in a total employer contribution of $1,900. To determine the credit amount:
$1,900 x 40% = $760
Calculation 2: If Company ABC applies the $1,000 per employee limit AFTER applying the 40% credit:
Sue: $1,300 x 40% = $520
Peter: $900 x 40% = $360
Total Credit = $880
Calculation 2 naturally produces a high tax credit because the credit amount is being applied against Sue’s total employer contribution of $1,300 which is then bringing her contribution in the calculation below the $1,000 per employee limit.
Which calculation is right? At this point, I have no idea. We will have to wait and see if we get guidance from the IRS.
Capturing Both Tax Credits In The Same Year
Companies are allowed to claim both the 401(K) Startup Tax Credit and the Employer Contribution Tax Credit in the same plan year. For example, you could have a company that establishes a new 401(k) plan in 2023, that qualifies for a $4,000 credit to cover plan costs and another $40,000 credit for employer contributions to total $44,000 in tax credits for the year.
Automatic Enrollment Tax Credit
The IRS and DOL are also incentivizing startup and existing 401(K) plans to adopt automatic enrollment in their plan design by offering an additional $500 credit per year for the first 3 years that this feature is included in the plan. This credit is only available to employers that have no more than 100 employees with at least $5,000 in compensation in the preceding year. The automatic enrollment feature must also meet the eligible automatic contribution arrangement (EACA) requirements to qualify.
For 401(k) plans that started after December 29, 2022, Secure Act 2.0 REQUIRES those plans to adopt an automatic enrollment by 2025. While a new plan could technically opt out of auto-enrollment in 2023 and 2024, since it’s now going to be required starting in 2025, it might be easier just to include that feature in your new plan and capture the tax credit for the next three years.
Note: Automatic enrollment will not be required in 2025 for plans that were in existence prior to December 30, 2022.
Simple IRA & SEP IRA Tax Credits
Both the Startup Tax Credit and Employer Contribution Tax Credits can also be claimed by companies that sponsor Simple IRAs and SEP IRAs.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
Secure Act 2.0: RMD Start Age Pushed Back to 73 Starting in 2023
On December 23, 2022, Congress passed the Secure Act 2.0, which moved the required minimum distribution (RMD) age from the current age of 72 out to age 73 starting in 2023. They also went one step further and included in the new law bill an automatic increase in the RMD beginning in 2033, extending the RMD start age to 75.
On December 23, 2022, Congress passed the Secure Act 2.0, which moved the required minimum distribution (RMD) age from the current age of 72 out to age 73 starting in 2023. They also went one step further and included in the new law bill an automatic increase in the RMD beginning in 2033, extending the RMD start age to 75.
This is the second time within the past 3 years that Congress has changed the start date for required minimum distributions from IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans. Here is the history and the future timeline of the RMD start dates:
1986 – 2019: Age 70½
2020 – 2022: Age 72
2023 – 2032: Age 73
2033+: Age 75
You can also determine your RMD start age based on your birth year:
1950 or Earlier: RMD starts at age 72
1951 – 1959: RMD starts at age 73
1960 or later: RMD starts at age 75
What Is An RMD?
An RMD is a required minimum distribution. Once you hit a certain age, the IRS requires you to start taking a distribution each year from your various retirement accounts (IRA, 401(K), 403(b), Simple IRA, etc.) because they want you to begin paying tax on a portion of your tax-deferred assets whether you need them or not.
What If You Turned Age 72 In 2022?
If you turned age 72 anytime in 2022, the new Secure Act 2.0 does not change the fact that you would have been required to take an RMD for 2022. This is true even if you decided to delay your first RMD until April 1, 2023, for the 2022 tax year.
If you are turning 72 in 2023, under the old rules, you would have been required to take an RMD for 2023; under the new rules, you will not have to take your first RMD until 2024, when you turn age 73.
Planning Opportunities
By pushing the RMD start date from age 72 out to 73, and eventually to 75 in 2033, it creates more tax planning opportunities for individuals that do need to take distributions out of their IRAs to supplement this income. Since these distributions from your retirement account represent taxable income, by delaying that mandatory income could allow individuals the opportunity to process larger Roth conversions during the retirement years, which can be an excellent tax and wealth-building strategy.
Delaying your RMD can also provide you with the following benefits:
Reduce the amount of your Medicare premiums
Reduce the percentage of your social security benefit that is taxed
Make you eligible for tax credits or deductions that you would have phased out of
Potentially allow you to realize a 0% tax rate on long-term capital gains
Continue to keep your pre-tax retirement dollars invested and growing
Additional Secure Act 2.0 Articles
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.
401K Loans: Pros vs Cons
There are a number of pros and cons associated with taking a loan from your 401K plan. There are definitely situations where taking a 401(k) loan makes sense but there are also number of situations where it should be avoided.
There are a number of pros and cons associated with taking a loan from your 401K plan. There are definitely situations where taking a 401(k) loan makes sense but there are also number of situations where it should be avoided. Before taking a loan from your 401(k), you should understand:
How 401(k) loans work
How much you are allowed to borrow
Duration of the loans
What is the interest rate that is charged
How the loans are paid back to your 401(k) account
Penalties and taxes on the loan balance if you are laid off or resign
How it will impact your retirement
Sometimes Taking A 401(k) Loan Makes Sense
People are often surprised when I say “taking a 401(k) loan could be the right move”. Most people think a financial planner would advise NEVER touch your retirement accounts for any reasons. However, it really depends on what you are using the 401(k) loan for. There are a number of scenarios that I have encountered with 401(k) plan participants where taking a loan has made sense including the following:
Need capital to start a business (caution with this one)
Resolve a short-term cash crunch
Down payment on a house
Payoff high interest rate credit cards
Unexpected health expenses or financial emergency
I will go into more detail regarding each of these scenarios but let’s do a quick run through of how 401(k) loans work.
How Do 401(k) Loans Work?
First, not all 401(k) plans allow loans. Your employer has to voluntary allow plan participants to take loans against their 401(k) balance. Similar to other loans, 401(k) loans charge interest and have a structured payment schedule but there are some differences. Here is a quick breakout of how 401(k) loans work:
How Much Can You Borrow?
The maximum 401(k) loan amount that you can take is the LESSER of 50% of your vested balance or $50,000. Simple example, you have a $20,000 vested balance in the plan, you can take a 401(K) loan up to $10,000. The $50,000 limit is for plan participants that have balances over $100,000 in the plan. If you have a 401(k) balance of $500,000, you are still limited to a $50,000 loan.
Does A 401(k) Loan Charge Interest?
Yes, 401(k) loans charge interest BUT you pay the interest back to your own 401(k) account, so technically it’s an interest free loan even though there is interest built into the amortization schedule. The interest rate charged by most 401(k) platforms is the Prime Rate + 1%.
How Long Do You Have To Repay The 401(k) Loan?
For most 401(k) loans, you get to choose the loan duration between 1 and 5 years. If you are using the loan to purchase your primary residence, the loan policy may allow you to stretch the loan duration to match the duration of your mortgage but be careful with this option. If you leave the employer before you payoff the loan, it could trigger unexpected taxes and penalties which we will cover later on.
How Do You Repay The 401(k) Loan?
Loan payments are deducted from your paycheck in accordance with the loan amortization schedule and they will continue until the loan is paid in full. If you are self employed without payroll, you will have to upload payments to the 401(k) platform to avoid a loan default.
Also, most 401(K) platforms provide you with the option of paying off the loan early via a personal check or ACH.
Not A Taxable Event
Taking a 401(k) loan does not trigger a taxable event like a 401(k) distribution does. This also gives 401(k)’s a tax advantage over an IRA because IRA’s do not allow loans.
Scenarios Where Taking A 401(k) Loans Makes Sense
I’ll start off on the positive side of the coin by providing you with some real life scenarios where taking a 401(k) loan makes sense, but understand that all of the these scenarios assume that you do not have idle cash set aside that could be used to meet these expenses. Taking a 401(k) loan will rarely win over using idle cash because you lose the benefits of compounded tax deferred interest as soon as you remove the money from your account in the form of a 401(k) loan.
Payoff High Interest Rate Credit Cards
If you have credit cards that are charging you 12%+ in interest and you are only able to make the minimum payment, this may be a situation where it makes sense to take a loan from your 401(k) and payoff the credit cards. But………but…….this is only a wise decision if you are not going to run up those credit card balances again. If you are in a really bad financial situation and you may be headed for bankruptcy, it’s actually better NOT to take money out of your 401(k) because your 401(k) account is protected from your creditors.
Bridge A Short-Term Cash Crunch
If you run into a short-term cash crunch where you have a large expense but the money needed to cover the expense is delayed, a 401(k) loan may be a way to bridge the gap. A hypothetical example would be buying and selling a house simultaneously. If you need $30,000 for the down payment on your new house and you were expecting to get that money from the proceeds from the sale of the current house but the closing on your current house gets pushed back by a month, you might decide to take a $30,000 loan from your 401(k), close on the new house, and then use the proceeds from the sale of your current house to payoff the 401(k) loan.
Using a 401(k) Loan To Purchase A House
Frequently, the largest hurdle for first time homebuyers when planning to buy a house is finding the cash to satisfy the down payment. If you have been contributing to your 401(k) since you started working, it’s not uncommon that the balance in your 401(k) plan might be your largest asset. If the right opportunity comes along to buy a house, it may makes sense to take a 401(k) loan to come up with the down payment, instead of waiting the additional years that it would take to build up a down payment outside of your 401(k) account.
Caution with this option. Once you take a loan from your 401(k), your take home pay will be reduced by the amount of the 401(k) loan payments over the duration of the loan, and then you will a have new mortgage payment on top of that after you close on the new house. Doing a formal budget in advance of this decision is highly recommended.
Capital To Start A Business
We have had clients that decided to leave the corporate world and start their own business but there is usually a time gap between when they started the business and when the business actually starts making money. It is for this reason that one of the primary challenges for entrepreneurs is trying to find the capital to get the business off the ground and get cash positive as soon as possible. Instead of going to a bank for a loan or raising money from friends and family, if they had a 401(k) with their former employer, they may be able to setup a Solo(K) plan through their new company, rollover their balance into their new Solo(K) plan, take a 401(k) loan from their new Solo(k) plan, and use that capital to operate the business and pay their personal expenses.
Again, word of caution, starting a business is risky, and this strategy involves spending money that was set aside for the retirement years.
Reasons To Avoid Taking A 401(k) Loan
We have covered some Pro side examples, now let’s look at the Con side of the 401(k) loan equation.
Your Money Is Out of The Market
When you take a loan from your 401(k) account, that money is removed for your 401(k) account, and then slowly paid back over the duration of the loan. The money that was lent out is no longer earning investment return in your retirement account. Even though you are repaying that amount over time it can have a sizable impact on the balance that is in your account at retirement. How much? Let’s look at a Steve & Sarah example:
Steve & Sarah are both 30 years old
Both plan to retire age 65
Both experience an 8% annualize rate of return
Both have a 401(K) balance of $150,000
Steve takes a $50,000 loan for 5 years at age 30 but Sarah does not
Since Sarah did not take a $50,000 loan from her 401(k) account, how much more does Sarah have in her 401(k) account at age 65? Answer: approximately $102,000!!! Even though Steve was paying himself all of the loan interest, in hindsight, that was an expensive loan to take since taking out $50,000 cost him $100,000 in missed accumulation.
401(k) Loan Default Risk
If you have an outstanding balance on a 401(k) loan and the loan “defaults”, it becomes a taxable event subject to both taxes and if you are under the age of 59½, a 10% early withdrawal penalty. Here are the most common situations that lead to a 401(k) loan defaults:
Your Employment Ends: If you have an outstanding 401(K) loan and you are laid off, fired, or you voluntarily resign, it could cause your loan to default if payments are not made to keep the loan current. Remember, when you were employed, the loan payments were being made via payroll deduction, now there are no paychecks coming from that employer, so no loan payment are being remitted toward your loan. Some 401(k) platforms may allow you to keep making loan payments after your employment ends but others may not past a specified date. Also, if you request a distribution or rollover from the plan after your have terminated employment, that will frequently automatically trigger a loan default if there is an outstanding balance on the loan at that time.
Your Employer Terminates The 401(k) Plan: If your employer decides to terminate their 401(k) plan and you have an outstanding loan balance, the plan sponsor may require you to repay the full amount otherwise the loan will default when your balance is forced out of the plan in conjunction with the plan termination. There is one IRS relief option in the instance of a plan termination that buys the plan participants more time. If you rollover your 401(k) balance to an IRA, you have until the due date of your tax return in the year of the rollover to deposit the amount of the outstanding loan to your IRA account. If you do that, it will be considered a rollover, and you will avoid the taxes and penalties of the default but you will need to come up with the cash needed to make the rollover deposit to your IRA.
Loan Payments Are Not Started In Error: If loan payments are not made within the safe harbor time frame set forth by the DOL rules, the loan could default, and the outstanding balance would be subject to taxes and penalties. A special note to employees on this one, if you take a 401(k) loan, make sure you begin to see deductions in your paycheck for the 401(k) loan payments, and you can see the loan payments being made to your account online. Every now and then things fall through the cracks, the loan is issued, the loan deductions are never entered into payroll, the employee doesn’t say anything because they enjoy not having the loan payments deducted from their pay, but the employee could be on the hook for the taxes and penalties associated with the loan default if payments are not being applied. It’s a bad day when an employee finds out they have to pay taxes and penalties on their full outstanding loan balance.
Double Taxation Issue
You will hear 401(k) advisors warn employees about the “double taxation” issue associated with 401(k) loans. For employees that have pre-tax dollars within their 401(k) plans, when you take a loan, it is not a taxable event, but the 401(k) loan payments are made with AFTER TAX dollars, so as you make those loan payments you are essentially paying taxes on the full amount of the loan over time, then once the money is back in your 401(k) account, it goes back into that pre-tax source, which means when you retire and take distributions, you have to pay tax on that money again. Thus, the double taxation issue, taxed once when you repay the loan, and then taxed again when you distribute the money in retirement.
This double taxation issue should be a deterrent from taking a 401(k) loan if you have access to cash elsewhere, but if a 401(k) loan is your only access to cash, and the reason for taking the loan is justified financially, it may be worth the double taxation of those 401(k) dollars.
I’ll illustrate this in an example. Let’s say you have credit card debt of $15,000 with a 16% interest rate and you are making minimum payments. That means you are paying the credit card company $2,400 per year in interest and that will probably continue with only minimum payments for a number of years. After 5 or 6 years you may have paid the credit card company $10,000+ in interest on that $15,000 credit card balance.
Instead, you take a 401(k) loan for $15,000, payoff your credit cards, and then pay back the loan over the 5-year period, you will essentially have paid tax on the $15,000 as you make the loan payments back to the plan BUT if you are in a 25% tax bracket, the tax bill will only be $3,755 spread over 5 years versus paying $2,000 - $2,500 in interest to the credit card company EVERY YEAR. Yes, you are going to pay tax on that $15,000 again when you retire but that was true even if you never took the loan.
About Michael……...
Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.