Mandatory 401(k) Roth Catch-up Details Confirmed by IRS January 2025

On January 10, 2025, the IRS issued proposed regulations that provided much-needed clarification on the details associated with the Mandatory Roth Catch-up Contribution rule for high-income earners that are set to take effect on January 1, 2026. Employers, payroll companies, and 401(k) providers alike will undoubtedly be scrambling for the remainder of 2025 to get their systems ready for this restriction that will be placed on 401(k) plans starting in 2026.

This is a major change within 401(k) plans, and it is not a welcome change for high-income earners, since individuals in high tax brackets typically like to defer as much as they can pre-tax into 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans to reduce their current tax liability. Here’s a quick list of the items that will be covered in this article:

  • General overview of new mandatory 401(k) Roth Catch-up Requirement

  • Income threshold for employees that will be impacted by the new rule

  • Definition of “wages” for purposes of the income threshold

  • Will it apply to Simple IRA plans as well?

  • “First year of employment” exception for the new Roth rule

  • Will a 401(k) plan be required to adopt Roth deferrals prior to 1/1/26? 

401(k) Mandatory Roth Catch-up Contributions

When an employee reaches age 50, they can make an additional employee deferral called a catch-up contribution. Prior to 2026, all employees were allowed to select whether they wanted to make their catch-up contributions in pre-tax, Roth, or a combination of both. Starting in 2026, the freedom of choice will be taken away from W-2 employees that have more than $145,000 in wages in the prior calendar year (indexed for inflation).   

Employees that are above the $145,000 threshold for the previous calendar year, are with the SAME employer, and are age 50 or older, will not be given the option to make their catch-up in pre-tax dollars. If an employee over this wage threshold wishes to make a catch-up contribution to their qualified retirement plan (401K, 403b, 457b), they will only be given the Roth deferral option.

Definition of Wages

One of the big questions that surfaced when the Secure Act 2.0 regulations were first released regarding the mandatory Roth catch-up contribution was the definition of “wages” for the purpose of the $145,000 income threshold. The IRS confirmed in their new regulation that only wages subject to FICA tax would count towards the $145,000 threshold. This is good news for self-employed individuals such as sole proprietors and partnerships that have earnings that are more than the $145,000 threshold, but do not receive W-2 wage, allowing them to continue to make their catch-up contributions all pre-tax for years 2026+.

So essentially, you could have partners of a law firm making $500,000+, and they would be able to continue to make catch-up contributions all pre-tax, but the firm could have a W-2 attorney on their staff that makes $180,000 in wages, and that individual would be forced to make their catch-up contributions all in Roth dollars and pay income tax on those amounts.

Will Mandatory Roth Catch-up Apply to Simple IRA Plans?

Many small employers sponsor Simple IRA plans, which also allow employees aged 50 or older to make pre-tax catch-up contributions, but at lower dollar limits.  Fortunately, Simple IRA plans have been granted a pass by the IRS when it comes to the new mandatory Roth catch-up contributions. All employees that are covered by a Simple IRA plan, regardless of their wages, will be allowed to continue to make their catch-up contributions, all pre-tax, for tax years 2026+.

First Year of Employment Exception

Since the $145,000 wage threshold is based on an employee’s “prior year” wages, the IRS confirmed in the new regulations that an employer is allowed to give employees a pass on making pre-tax catch-up contributions during the first calendar year that the company employs them. Meaning, if Sue is hired by Company ABC in February of 2025 and makes $250,000 from February – December in 2025, she would be allowed to contribute her 401(k) catch-up contributions all pre-tax if she is over 50 years old, since Sue doesn’t have wages with Company ABC in 2024, even though her wages for the 2025 were over the $145,000 threshold.

Some High-Income Employees Will Get A 2-Year Pass

There are also situations where new employees with wages over $145,000 will get a 2-year pass on the application of the mandatory Roth catch-up rule. Let’s say Tim is hired by a law firm as a W-2 employee on July 1, 2025, at an annual salary of $200,000.  Tim automatically gets a pass for 2025 for the mandatory Roth catch-up, because he did not have wages in 2024 with that company. However, between July 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025, he will only earn half his salary ($100,000), so when they look at Tim’s W-2 wages for purposes of the mandatory Roth catch-up in 2026, his 2025 W-2 will only be showing $100,000, allowing him to make his catch-up contribution all pre-tax in both 2025 and 2026.  

Will 401(k) Plans Be Forced to Adopt Roth Deferrals

Not all 401(k) or 403(b) plans allow employees to make Roth employee deferrals. Roth deferrals have historically been an optional provision within an employer-sponsored retirement plan that a company had to voluntarily adopt. When the regulations for the new mandatory Roth catch-up were first released, the regulations seemed to state that if a plan did not allow Roth deferrals, NO EMPLOYEES, regardless of their wage level, were allowed to make catch-up contributions to the plan.

In the proposed regulations that the IRS just released, the IRS clarified that if a retirement plan does not allow Roth deferrals, only the employees above the $145,000 wage threshold would be precluded from making contributions. Employees below the $145,000 wage threshold would still be able to make catch-up contributions pre-tax, even without the Roth deferral feature in the plan.

Due to this restriction, it is expected that if a plan did not previously allow Roth deferrals, many plans will elect to adopt a Roth deferral option by January 1, 2026, to avoid this restriction on their employees with wages in excess of $145,000 (indexed for inflation). 

For more information on this new Mandatory Roth Catch-Up Contribution effective 2026, please see our article:

About Michael……...

Hi, I’m Michael Ruger. I’m the managing partner of Greenbush Financial Group and the creator of the nationally recognized Money Smart Board blog . I created the blog because there are a lot of events in life that require important financial decisions. The goal is to help our readers avoid big financial missteps, discover financial solutions that they were not aware of, and to optimize their financial future.


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